Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Beyond the Cusp October 19, 2015 The Perverse Fruits of the Oslo Accords

Beyond the Cusp

October 19, 2015

The Perverse Fruits of the Oslo Accords

Rabbi Meir Kahane was right. Rabbi Kahane was quite accurate, succinct, and nailed what Jews would face should we permit the Arabs to reside within Israel and permit them their own societal structures independent of Israeli oversight. He predicted the incitement, the stabbings, the bombings, the shooting and the general terror war being fought out on the streets of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Be’er Sheva and everywhere else in time. What Israel is facing currently is the fruit of her own labors known as the Oslo Accords. The problem of the Oslo Accords provided the seeds that promised to produce what we are currently reaping across all of Israel where the fruits of Oslo reach and are prevalent. The real problem goes far beyond Oslo and is prevalent today in the Ministers of the Knesset who are screaming for Israel to ‘give them the lands they demand, give them until they stop, if we surrender Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria it will stop.’ If you are unsure as to what these people today mean, there is an easy path to gain an understanding, go back and play every speech ever given by Shimon Peres over his entire career as he was talking Oslo before he engineered Oslo presumably in cahoots with a select group of other leftists and who thought we owed the Arabs a state because they should receive an award for losing the war, perhaps he felt they deserved their victory too. Whatever he thought, assuming of course that he did actually think, the one thing that we have to give Shimon Peres, at no time did he ever change his wide eyed dreaming in which Oslo was the key to the future and would spread his dream and our nightmare. Even today his speeches speak of his seminal achievement of reaching out and offering his hand in friendship and never realizing that they would have sliced from his arm and then his head from his neck if they had not perceived the great weapon of harm that was the Oslo Accords and the evil it could and would spread over Israel worsening each year as if a returning plague.

Shimon Peres Returning from the Presumed Oslo Accords with Words of Warnings as he Declared to Have Mr. Arafat’s Signature on this Piece of Paper and has brought us Peace in Our Time
Shimon Peres Returning from the Presumed Oslo Accords with Words of
Warnings as he Declared to Have Mr. Arafat’s Signature on this
Piece of Paper and has brought us Peace in Our Time

We should join with Mahmoud Abbas and declare the Oslo Accords as no longer binding on Israel as we have no other choice than to forgo the lofty intents which the Arab Palestinians refused to dare and make peace as Israel had invested so much treasure in lives and time all brought to naught by Mahmoud Abbas who refused any and every offer as he would wait for a total Israeli surrender where the Jews would leave or be enslaved as Dhimmis. Since the Arab Palestinians and their current facilitators of blood and violence whom either are full citizens or newly recognized citizens from Eastern Jerusalem who are permitted voting rights in Jerusalem elections just as is every other Jerusalemite be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or any other religion or even no religion. The goal of the Arab Palestinians is largely based on a strategy which revolves around the murder of Jews and the destruction of their homelands. The Palestinian run media as well as Al Jazeera, their Madrassas, their news industry, their internet including especially Facebook posts and Twitter feeds, the children’s summer camps, the schools run by Hamas or UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), naming ceremonies for streets, parks, playgrounds, schools, summer camps, soccer fields etc. and a near constant barrage from every conceivable source there is constant propagandizing brainwashing the youth in particular to murder Jews even at the cost of their own life because if every Muslim died while murdering a Jew the Jews would be wiped from the face of the earth and it would be but a small sacrifice for Islam. Below is a video telling of how the billions of dollars about to be gifted to Iran will affect Israel and the regional threat faced by the Jewish State along with interviews with Hamas children’s camp children as well as school kids which reveal the face of Arab motivated terror Israelis are facing. The indoctrination from television, radio, the Internet and other sources is widespread through much of Jerusalem and throughout Israel simply by subscribing to receive cable television which includes many channels which feature incitement as their main fare or simply allusions to terrorism and the responsibility of every Arab to their people and to Allah to murder as many Jews as possible and that their death in such a venture will guarantee their and their families’ places in Islamic heaven with the martyr gifted seventy-two perpetual virgins who regains her virginity immediately after they have been deflowered in some magical manner which is never questioned for some reason. My deceit meter would peg and potentially spin so far past the one-hundred-percent guarantee lie that it would probably be unusable for quite some time as the words of deceit would slowly lose their influence. Unfortunately many of these youths have received such brainwashing and reprogramming by their society and its rulers that they know little else and that is a large part of this problem. Ever since the Oslo Accords went into effect twenty-two years ago this past September the incitement has grown from a heavy and distressing prevalence to a complete inundation to some form of irradiating presence similar to radioactive elements which poison all within a certain distance to the current flood sweeping the impressionable minds into an altered state where becoming a martyr who has killed a number of Jews is considered their highest quest and goal in their lives.

Yair Lapid has been busy adding his shekels worth into the mix so allow us to repeat a number of his statements or internet posts with you.

“ If Abu Mazen (Arab Palestine Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s nom de guerre) is lying, he is not doing it because of oppression or occupation, but because he is a liar who is trying to slander Israel in front of the entire world. If a Palestinian terrorist tried to stab a soldier, she is not doing it because of the checkpoints, but because she wants to kill Jews for being Jews. And if a soldier, in response, shoots and kills her, she is not doing it because she is part of the occupation, but because she wants to protect herself from the terrorist and because she doesn’t want to die.”
“Zehava and her colleagues’ (Meretz Party Chairperson) call to understand the other side is condescending. She assumes that everyone – except them, of course – does not understand what’s really going on.”
“But we understand very well, thank you,” Lapid added. ‘What’s happening here is rampant knife terrorism resulting from unbridled incitement.”
“In the face of terror, a political solution must be established,” Lapid noted. “But it needs to be based on a reading of the reality as it is, and not on the creation of imaginary Palestinians who do not exist.”
“I believe we must separate from the Palestinians, while the IDF continues to operate everywhere in order to provide security to Israeli citizens.”
“It’s time to separate from the Palestinians and set a high wall between us and them,” Lapid declared. “Not because they’re the good guys, but because they’re the bad guys.”

Apparently Minister Yair Lapid had once again checked for the prevailing winds and after taking their measure and the trending flow was towards such historic greats of Israeli history he almost sounded like Rabbi Kahane, Ze’ev Jabotinsky or Menachem Begin sounding much the nationalist Zionist. He lashed out at the leftist parties with whom just last week was their staunch supporter with particular attention given to Zehava (Zehava Gal-on) and her colleagues’ on the left. The entire summer as well as during these trying times the leftists have suggested that Israel simply turn over Jerusalem including the Temple Mount and Old City, Judea, and Samaria as doing so will satisfy the Arab demands and bring the violence to an end. Some actually have added to this line of reasoning the great success which withdrawals from Southern Lebanon and Gaza have worked out. Their reference is given before people sympathetic or completely supportive of their views and thus they receive applause at the appropriate time thus reinforcing the lies which are required for anyone to support such deceits. This viewpoint ignored the Second Lebanon War and the state of constant conflict between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the rest as they launch rockets and ambush people and IDF soldiers who stray too close to the fence. Of course these leftists likely would point to this propaganda map depicting Palestine the nation claiming the steady erosion by the Jews and how only through Oslo Accords were they saved from oblivion.

Arab Palestinian Depiction of History as They View Events as Having Destroyed that Nation We All Know Never Existed
The first week of April 2011 a sixteen-years-old student was the sole remaining student on the school bus which had just released the majority of the children ranging in age from the very young to the students graduating this year. The young man will not be graduating with his friends as he was hospitalized but after a week plus a few days of fighting for his life Raphael Daniel Aryeh ben Tamar was taken from us and was the sole fatality as the less injured bus driver is expected to make a full recovery. The terrorist who fired on the school bus was located in Gaza where every Jew and things considered Jewish have been used and propagandized as they are destroyed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad after the IDF and Jewish civilians were vacated. Still, the excuse given that the person who fired this guided missile from launching tube to target impact could not tell through the 7.5X weapon’s scope used as the sighting profile for the Kornet laser-guided anti-tank missile did not realize that the bus they fired upon was a bright yellow school bus. The remains of the bus are all the needed proof that the terrorist who fired upon the bus knew exactly what it was he aimed at and struck and that particular target was chosen with the hopes that it would still have had students inside making for a most horrific and sickening murder by the terror entity who would have grabbed credit. Below shows the bus which was in remarkably good form after being struck by a Kornet anti-tank missile weapon such as struck this school bus.

School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining in the bus to reach his grandmother visit
School Bus which was struck by a Russian made Kornet
anti-tank missile murdering one teen remaining
in the bus to reach his grandmother visit

Volunteer Picking Up Pieces of the Remains of School Bus Struck by Guided Anti-Tank Weapon
Volunteer Picking Up Pieces of the Remains of
School Bus Struck by Guided Anti-Tank Weapon

The saddest part of this situation is that there is only one direction this entire fiasco of a peace process will lead and that ending scene is not going to be pretty. The two sides are at an impasse and neither group will willingly end the situation because the two sides disagree on one extremely critical point, the right of the Jewish People to a homeland. This is the same problem which plagues Europe and many all across the western world that the Jewish People have their homelands back in their hands again after almost two millennia and have retrieved their ancient language which had all but disappeared and was only used when reading of the ancient manuscripts and in synagogues reading the Torah. It had become an ancient tongue which had been all but forgotten and was soon to die out, and that could not happen, not as long as Hashem was in the picture. The Hebrew language is back and being heard where it belongs, in the bustling streets and alleyways of the Old City and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It has returned to the sites and is once again a vibrant part of life in Israel and is only lacking in one small matter, the willingness of the rest of the world to please allow us our most precious ancient lands. Make those who hate and cannot accept 99.999% of the lands across MENA and allow the Jews this insignificant piece of land which was of no use to you nor did it bear its fruits for you and allow for an easier life for you but instead withheld the rains and scorned your every attempt to tame her. Yet return the Jews and soon the land blossomed.

What had the Jews done those others before them had not? The two things the Jews did differently were first they came with a do or die optimism and second several conversations were held in ‘Hebrew’ for the first time in nearly two millennia. The Jews knew that if they failed in Israel then they would fail everywhere. This was the do or die situation for the Jewish People as without Jerusalem what are we? Rabbi Hillel would have phrased this far better but that is why his teachings and commentary are studied by learned Rabbis to this day. The Arabs have numbers on their side in this struggle of the millennia while the Jews have nowhere else to go so theirs is a must win or perish situation.

The Arabs, particularly the Islamic Arabs, have what they fervently believe is the final given world from Allah and many proclaim that Allah and Hashem are the same entity. This is where the Jews have a claim which many fear to make, Allah and Hashem are not the same entity and Hashem is the venerable Deity in the Torah while Allah is the god in the Quran and the philosophy and sentiments of these two books and their religions could not be more opposing. Their virtues are opposites, their commandments differ at a seminal point which came over Mohammad somewhere between Mecca and Medina which is made all the more obvious once one realizes and researches the Quran in chronological order that this transformation becomes more obvious, and that is where the two religions parted ways once and for all.

This brings us again back to the only way this is going to end is once a final do or die battle ensues and only one side remains standing at the end. When will this battle take place? I cannot even begin to predict, but each uprising brings that fateful day one act of hatred closer. The driving force behind that war will be hatreds but the winning will depend on the love for one’s fellow man. That singular point will propel one side to do something remarkable though what it will be is beyond my ability to know at this point. I would love to be able to claim that the Jewish People will win this battle of two religions, but though in my heart I know that to be the case, I have no facts to back that claim up. I can back the claim that should the Jews lose Eretz Yisroel then the Jews will have lost all and might never recover from such a spiritually crushing loss. We have lost Jerusalem too many times though we have always had a large presence in that eternal city. When the final battle starts there will be an ominous feeling which will permeate the very air we breathe everywhere on Earth as the final battle between Islam and Judaism is really a final battle of proportions I cannot explain well enough to put into words, but some day we will cross that bridge hopefully together right here at BTC. Stay strong and stay well and bless Hashem every day for all the goodness that lives on in yourself and your life.

Beyond the Cusp

October 18, 2015

When Will the World Waken to Wanton Destroyers

Once again let it be known that the status-quo remains in place in the ancient city of Shechem, which is now called Nablus, as the Arabs, emulating the butchery to world monuments and the holy sites of religions other than Islam of the Islamic State, and destroyed Joseph’s Tomb over the weekend. It really is not fair to claim that the Arab Palestinians, with which Israel had been cursed to deal with while the world celebrates the destroyers of culture, life, monuments, tombs and all things civil are emulating the Islamic State; as it is the Islamic State imitating what the Arab Palestinians have practiced for well over a century with their butchery of Jews and Christians as well as their desecration of all things holy including their own presumably precious al-Aqsa Mosque which is pictured beneath the horrific pictures of an ancient and holy tomb of the Jewish Patriarch Joseph burning. lighting up the night screaming for justice to be meted out, but the world forbids admitting there are destroyers of Israel and the world should they ever be given the opportunity.

Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo
Joseph’s Tomb Burning in the Night While Religious Jews and Sympathizing Humans Are Outraged at their Act Allowed to be the Status Quo

The Scene of Joseph’s Tomb Being Torched and Burned to the Bare Stone with All Things Righteous Destroyed Once Again and the World is Silent
The Scene of Joseph’s Tomb Being Torched and Burned to the Bare Stone with All Things Righteous Destroyed Once Again and the World is Silent

Kever Yoseph or Joseph's Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless
Kever Yoseph or Joseph’s Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless

Armory al-Aqsa Mosque Desecrated by making it a fortified base from which to launch rioting

The destroyers of all that is holy here in the Holy Land as pictured above desecrate shrines, tombs, and all things holy or treasured even that of their own Islamic State as long as it contributed to their wanton actions of depravity, they are capable of nothing else. The wide swath of acts of barbarity continued unabated on the Temple Mount, throughout Jerusalem and beyond in parts around Israel wherever these destroyers were able to stab any person in the hopes it might be a Jew. These acts should be expected as the status quo of a society with its media, instructions in their schools, in every part of the lives of their children are filled with propaganda of hatred of Jews primarily and any other that is not Arab Palestinian. When the world demands that Israel maintain the status quo on the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem, in the disputed territories, in all of Israel, this is what they are demanding be preserved, stabbings, desecrations and violence for the sake of violence as that has become their religion, their sacraments.

The status quo was preserved this weekend and the stabbings continued but that is not the message the world had received from their media from almost every journalistic media we monitored from the BBC to the AP wire used world-wide and in numerous others news purveyors around the Western World. The headlines we read claimed that Arab Palestinians were being shot and murdered by Israeli police and Jews in Israel without any concern for their rights to enjoy the pleasures of their culture and while performing religious duties, well, it may as well have said such exactly in that manner. The initial part is what was reported with the typical average being one headline which read, “Four Palestinians shot dead after attempted stabbings”, headlining the article in The Guardian newspaper on the United Kingdom. Please allow us to go further and provide the first sentence which sets the mood for the article and is above the picture that followed before the rest of the article was presented. That first line read “Three of the dead were teenagers, the latest casualties of a spiral of violence in Israel as rights groups accuse troops of ‘extrajudicial killings’” and was above this picture of one of the scenes of these ‘extrajudicial killings’ of the four Palestinians shot dead from the title.

Guardian News Headline Picture of Article Titled “Four Palestinians Shot Dead after Attempted Stabbings”
Guardian News Headline Picture of Article Titled
“Four Palestinians Shot Dead after Attempted Stabbings”

Let us move along to the United Nations where more urgent meetings were convened to discuss the violence in Israel and how the world should view these extrajudicial killings and decide what should be done about these poor Arab Palestinian teens being gunned down by authorities and citizens alike almost wherever they appeared in ‘Jewish areas.’ While these deeply disturbing events were being debated, newly-appointed and hopefully soon-to-be-accredited Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon addressed that austere body of deliberations where he noted that a trend has existed in Israel “since President Abbas made his hate-filled speech (last month) and outrageously claimed that the Jews desecrate the Temple Mount with their ‘dirty feet,’ we have seen a sharp increase in violence against Israeli civilians.” Let’s allow Ambassador Danon to present his delivered short and concise speech himself in the video below as it is always better to see it for oneself.

“We don’t need another general meeting about the situation in the Middle East. What we do need is for this council to convene a meeting on the dangerous incitement led by President Abbas,” was the opener and what an opener that was; let us give Ambassador Danon his due credit. As stated as the main course right before the telltale visual aid employed by Ambassador Danon, he stated, “On Monday, a Palestinian boy attacked an Israeli boy who was riding his bike, stabbing him no less than 15 times. Let me repeat: 15 times! The victim is still hospitalized in critical condition. Ask yourselves, why would a 13-year-old boy decide to go on a stabbing spree and try to take another boy’s life? The answer is that such acts of terror do not occur in a vacuum. When a Palestinian child turns on a TV, he doesn’t see Barney or Donald Duck, he sees murderers portrayed as heroes. When he opens a textbook, he doesn’t learn about math and science, he’s being taught to hate.” Then he sprang an example of what he spoke about just so there would be no confusion, that visual aid is picture below.

Danny Danon Speech and Visual Aid Used to Display the Propaganda Fed Arab Palestinian Children Day In and Day Out Teaching Hatreds and Religious Intolerance Instead of Peace or Justice
Danny Danon Speech and Visual Aid Used to Display the Propaganda
Fed Arab Palestinian Children Day In and Day Out Teaching Hatreds and Religious
Intolerance Instead of Peace or Justice

Ambassador Danny Danon continued with his speech which included this well placed truth for the United Nations to think about realigning their glare at the real sources of destruction, the destroyers of all that is holy presenting in his own words, “What we do need is for this council to convene a meeting on the dangerous incitement led by President Abbas. Babies, children, men and women are being targeted every day. Israelis are being stabbed, bombed, run-over and stoned, yet this council remains silent.

Even here in Israel we have our media sympathizers such as Hadas Shteif, a senior police correspondent for Army Radio, who expressed her being ill at ease that the authorities have not been concerned as she has when she Tweeted, “The ease with which officers and civilians shoot terrorists is troubling. They come to murder but most of them are children. We must calm things down and calm down. It’s spilling over also into the criminal field. It feels bad. Troubling.”

Fortunately there were a couple of following Tweets commenting and challenging Hadas Shteif’s emotion filled rant against the sanity of stopping the destroyers while they are in the act of stabbing and murdering everybody in their vicinity, perhaps for them to receive psychological treatment instead of shock therapy currently being provided. The initial tweet we reference was by Nehemia Gershoni, who wrote, “spilling over into the criminal field?! Did you see what happened when they didn’t immediately shoot but tried to neutralize by other means? Besides, the overwhelming majority are adults, check the facts.”

Another Tweet came from David Elbaz, who added “and the ease with which these animals murder Jews doesn’t trouble you. Better that you should feel bad rather than the mother of one of our Jewish brothers.”

The United Nations, international media and news services and numerous others including officials from many national governments all have one thing they demand, and that is for Israel to prevent this killing of Arab Palestinians youths and return to the status quo. By status quo they mean allowing Arab Palestinians to burn down Jewish holy sites, desecrate Jewish tombs, riot assaulting police on the Temple Mount, show understanding for Arab Palestinian rioting in ancient areas of Jerusalem’s Old City and by all means allow their self-expressions which take the form of running over Jews, stabbing Jews, viscously assaulting Jews, throwing large rocks at vehicles driven by Jews, throw cinderblocks and rocks at vehicles driven by Jews, throw firebombs at vehicles, stores and homes of Jews, and generally be allowed to attempt and too often succeed at killing Jews. We would appreciate for the Israeli government and leadership along with religious leaders to present the Arab Palestinian authorities and society with a proposition that the new status quo which will be enforced stringently and with all required energies consists of all peoples being permitted to pray as they feel the urge anywhere within all the lands of Israel, any restriction to open prayers only can apply to the interior of particular houses of worship, freedom of movement on the Temple Mount in particular and all of Israel and to do so in safety and free of threats or fear within all the lands of Israel. Freedom from assault whether by vehicle, stabbing, stoning, shooting or other violence against their person or property within all the lands of Israel and actions of an uncivil nature targeting any individual will be discouraged to the point of official rebuttal equal to the nature and severity of such insult or uncivil action within all the lands of Israel. Finally we would like to define what is meant by all the lands of Israel, by that we mean all of Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Reuben, Simeon, Gad, Ephraim, Manesseh, Benjamin, Dan, Asher and Naphtali. For a reference please note the map below.

Left side map depicts the division of the Promised Land amongst the tribes and right side map compares the modern promised land from the Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the maximum of area during King David’s and King Solomon’s reigns.

In all honesty, despite legally being capable of having retained much if not all of the Sinai Peninsula after the Six Day War and all of what Jordan named the West Bank along with the Golan Heights and would not have been required to accept those residing in these areas as now being Israeli citizens but instead granting them resident alien status and nothing more and even requesting those who did not wish such status move returning to within the new borders of their respective nation, be that Egypt, Jordan or Syria; instead Israel has bent over backwards to be obliging and gone further than any other nation would have gone. Does anybody believe that had Egypt conquered half the Negev, the Jordanians all of Jerusalem and part way through the passes to Tel Aviv and Syria one third of the Galilee they would have retuned a single millimeter of the land or allowed the Jews residing there to keep their lands and homes and be eventually granted citizenship? Of course not as they know that if the Jews were fortunate, they would have been forced into a truncated Israel and otherwise would have been tortured and killed down to the last child. The world knows fully well what would happen if the Arabs ever defeated Israel; there would be a second Holocaust right here in the Holy Lands and is also partly why the IDF fights so hard and assures that such a Holocaust will never happen. Why has Israel chosen to act differently? Because Israel is an honorable and civilized nation and the world knows this as well and is partly why they place all the onus for peace on Israel when unless the Arabs choose similarly any compromise is a fool’s game and will only hasten the day when the world gladly mourns the death of Israel under Arab or Iranian assault. So, may our leaders awaken to reality and simply reclaim the entirety of Judea and Samaria and allow the Arabs to remain as resident aliens for as long as they remain nonviolent and if turning to violence they should be deported, end of story.

Beyond the Cusp

October 17, 2015

How the Arab Israel Conflict Will Eventually End

Before we start, it is necessary to once again lament the security given to Joseph’s Tomb by the Arab Authorities as once again we find that it was permitted to be desecrated and burned completely down destroying the multiple-thousands of shekels of holy books and other items which adorn the tomb dressing it with the dignity it deserves only for it to face destruction and desecration without even a whimper of complaint by a world devoid of feelings nor capable of compassion for this holy site of Judaism and Christianity. This holy site and the entirety of the holy sites in Judea and Samaria must be returned to their proper caretakers and the only people who would keep such shrines from becoming the blazing inferno pictured below which was Josephs Tomb a night or two ago.

Kever Yoseph or Joseph's Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless
Kever Yoseph or Joseph’s Tomb s it burns once again desecrated as only Islam can desecrate the holy sites it deems unworthy of respect or even existing as it is not of Islam thus worthless

What is preventing an end being implemented in the Arab Israeli conflict is easy to say; Mahmoud Abbas and his merry band of thieves which includes Saeb Erekat, Muhammad Dahlan, Salam Fayyad, Abed Rabbo, Ahmad Quri’a, Hanan Ashrawi, Hanna Amira, Wasel Abu Yousef and the rest all refuse to end it as then they might actually have to permit what has become known as Islamic adjusted democracy where every voter gets to cast one vote one time and the result was determined a week ago but that has little to matter with reality. The leaders of the Arab Palestinian Authority (PA), Fatah Party, Palestinian Leadership Committee (PLC) and any other presumably elected body might run into a problem far more dangerous than elections which have thus far been avoided for over a decade; they might need to face a future without any Israeli security making life in Judea and Samaria safe from such forces as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Islamic State, or worse, other Islamist force more capable of replacing Abbas and his crew just as Hamas replaced the government in Gaza after the IDF and the rest of Israeli forces and citizens departed, turning the Gaza over to the PA and Mahmoud Abbas in August of 2005. Such threats are sitting along the sidelines appearing all the much like starving vultures waiting for a weakened and doomed meal to finish dying before swooping in and stealing the prize from their still warm corpse. Thus both Abbas and Israel have an advantage by sharing the security arrangements in Judea and Samaria. Abbas gains security of the IDF defending against Hamas and other potential rivals and Israel has on location security and intelligence presence which has proven near remarkable results on the recent stabbing spree by Arabs in Jerusalem and across Israel within the Green Line or at worst within the terror barrier which so many around the world have claimed served no purpose other than harassment. But there are a set of problems which perhaps we should try and fathom their consequences. These include Mahmoud Abbas dying of natural causes, Islamic State crossing the Jordan River and attacking Ramallah or the Security Council using the threat of force to demand that Israel return to within the 1949 Armistice Lines, also called the 1967 lines with one adjustment where Israel remains responsible for all security throughout Jerusalem.

When Mahmoud Abbas, currently age eighty years, dies it will leave a power vacuum which would leave the numerous members of the leadership to each start vying to be the next President for Life. There would be the power struggle while an election date would need to be set and then there would be the arguments as to whether Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood and who knows who else to also place candidates on the ticket. There would be pressures from Europe, European Union, the United States and the United Nations for an open election which could result in Hamas or other groups mentioned winning control of the Parliament and possibly the Presidency or even candidates placed on the ballot who may be members of the Islamic State getting their foot in the door which could only result in serious implications. This would also very potentially be seen as the perfect excuse for the United Nations and the rest of the less than sane leadership of the world who mostly appear completely without knowledge for how the politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) usually play out demanding that Israel pull out from the “disputed territories” which would be replaced by a multi-national force consisting of European, United States and other United Nations peacekeepers who would monitor the election and take care of security for the state of Palestine as it got on its feet financially and politically. Any situation in which Israel was forced to remove the IDF and the Jewish “settlements” were forced to return within the Green Line thus ending any reason for security and intelligence sharing between the Arab governance in Judea and Samaria with Israel would result in a coup if not a succession of coups and the failed state such would produce becoming the next Syria within months. As soon as the peacekeeping forces became the targets of choice for every Islamist or member of a political group’s military wing whose leaders believed they were the rightful rulers of the Arabs then the Peacekeeping troops would be heading for Amman Jordan to Ben Gurion Airport or Tel Aviv within hours and on their way home on the earliest fight with an opening or on the next chartered flight taking them home. Within weeks of such a disaster there would be seven to twelve Arab and Muslim armies perched on the Judean hills, set to assault the Golan Heights, sitting within five miles of the Lebanon border with Hezballah and their recently gifted older Russian T-55 and T-72 tanks (read our article named “How to Measure the Arab War on Israel and Beyond” for more coverage of this and other developments which we reported on October 6, 2015) and within five miles of the border in Lebanon; while should Egypt decide not to enter the fray then only irregular terrorist groups will be in the Sinai Desert with all ready to take another stab at what was attempted and failed in 1967 and the Six Day War. Simply stated, should at any point Abbas die without having first signified his successor, there will reign chaos making Judea and Samaria prime target for some group to take control of the area and if that should be the Islamic State, then Jordan would be in danger as well. Mahmoud Abbas actually is the moderating force which keeps everything balanced.

 MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Map Using Flag Pins Denoting Every Nation

MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Map Using Flag Pins Denoting Every Nation

There is the potential for the Islamic State to take Ramallah after rolling over Jordan, with King Abdullah II abdicating and moving likely to some place in Europe; the Islamic State would proceed to any crossing of the Jordan River. The reasons for the Islamic State to move to first take Ramallah would be to establish their authority over the PA and seeking out whatever documentation depicting the power structure that Mahmoud Abbas had fabricated in order for the Islamic State to find and question these leaders to determine which ones they might retain and which earned a starring role in the next film released by Islamic State after they secured as much of Judea and Samaria which they were able, replacing the Arab Palestinians where it is determined to be necessary. Once the Islamic State had crossed the Jordan River they would become a direct threat to Israel. That is assuming that King Abdullah II had, instead of abdicating and remained to fight, already requested for IDF and other Israeli assistance. Then Israel would be facing almost dream-like situation being able to fight against the Islamic State well before they would need to engage them after they had crossed the Jordan River and a mere twenty miles from reaching the Mediterranean Sea and cutting Israel in half.

King of Jordan Abdullah II also is a capable helicopter gunship pilot
King of Jordan Abdullah II also is a capable helicopter gunship pilot

The final scenario threatening Israel begins with the Security Council using threat of force, enforcing Israeli retreat to within 1949 Armistice Lines with Israel left responsible with security for Jerusalem. This scenario would simply result in the same ending as if Mahmoud Abbas had died or stepped down as the removal of the IDF and the intelligence sharing would result in a scramble to take the top spot in the election that the Security Council would most definitely call for soon after their arrival. Calling for elections would fracture the current order of the politics as each person thinking they had a chance of finally becoming the one true leader that the entire house of cards would disintegrate. Once this had occurred the elections could not come fast enough as with everybody busy buying votes, there would be little if any attention paid to the crumbling situation as the peacekeepers attempted to keep the peace while Hamas or Islamic Jihad or any other groups which was not permitted to run would band together to remove the United Nations forces and take control by coup. This would result in no government in place with any number of factions all attempting to take control which would soon require some outside force to end the fiasco and place the area under some form of government. Such a task could only be performed by a group with sufficient respect and support by the people in Judea and Samaria or by a group willing to do whatever it takes to reinstall the governance which existed before the world busybodies decided to use their influence to repair an obviously broken system and upset the apple-cart.

In the end the Arab Israeli conflict will eventually come down to a simple power struggle as to who should rule Judea and Samaria, some form of tyrannical terror state or Israel. The end result will become just another failed state experiencing internal power struggles seeking one single leader willing to take command over a fractured political system and reinstitute some forms of ordered structure with themselves as the kleptomaniac in charge of deciding who gets what piece of the pie and how large or small that piece of the pie should they receive. Needless to point out that no matter who might win the day initially, their staying in power will require they find some manner or way to assure their lead position remained unchallenged. With the current power structure broken, there are very few forces which could guarantee such security. Such groups would include but not be limited to Russia, Iran, Islamic State and Israel. The area itself is likely far too small to be a viable state as it does not have the infrastructure nor the natural resources to allow for a stable economy, especially when one considers the security forces required to control an area as splintered and well-armed as Judea and Samaria have become as weapons are constantly being brought into the area to arm the Arab security forces and somehow these weapons appear to melt into the ground every few months and thus require new weapons be provided, and there is no lack of sources more than glad to gain influence by providing those weapons be it Iran, the United States, the European Union or even as ridiculous as it seems, Israel often at the demand of the other sources who have simply become disillusioned and are trying to place the onus for the area on Israel, a situation they will soon afterwards complain is stifling Palestinian society making it ungovernable.

The final taking of responsibility will eventually fall to Israel as she cannot allow the games, the very dangerous games the world will continue to play to go on until the area somehow attains nuclear weapons, a game changer everybody should rightfully fear but too many might be enabling through their actions. So the end of the fighting over Judea and Samaria will eventually fall to Israel and within a couple of generations the terrorism will have died out as the general wealth and wellbeing of the area will have improved sufficiently that the average family has far too much to lose wasting their comforts on revolution thus the status-quo will have become stable instead of every minute a new emergency or threat to world peace breaking out. The only thing which can prevent such a finality are the European Union, the United States or the United Nations or any combination attempting to work with any Arab or Islamic entity such as Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey, Arab League or even Jordan, though Jordan has thus far proven to be smart enough to desire to have nothing to do with its formerly occupied area; they know exactly the kettle of spoiled fish the area is capable of becoming at the drop of a hat. The end will result in Israel controlling the entire area or a return to a failed land with nobody believing it to be worth cultivating as it will refuse to give up a yield worth the effort of planting and cultivating.

Beyond the Cusp

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Beyond the Cusp

October 16, 2015

The Life and Death Difference

The recent escalation of Arab Palestinian violence and homicidal rage which had claimed too numerous Israeli victims’ and Palestinian attackers’ lives, caused untold misery, left scores injured and disrupted all activity in Jerusalem and beyond has had some telling differences in how they have been covered by the respective media outlets. The Arab Palestinian coverage had emphasized the glorious carnage which should fill every Arab Palestinian great pride and desires to emulate these shahids and their great courage committing these acts of vengeance and for the protection of the Arab Palestinian cause and the area of the al-Aqsa Mosque which they are protecting from being “defiled by the Jews and their filthy feet.” The Israeli coverage has decried the carnage and mourned the deaths of every victim including the Arab Palestinians who needfully were killed as they would not cease their homicidal rage even after being shot and wounded and already having murdered numerous others and injured far more. Our coverage of these events has spanned the past week starting with our article, “Intifada or No Intifada, Media Keeps Silent,” where we discussed mostly the incitement coming from Mahmoud Abbas amongst other Arab Palestinian spokespeople, “Terror War Escalated with Calls for More Stabbings,” where we discussed some of the attacks, both current and historic, the escalating rhetoric and instigation with stirring anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic broadcasts and Imam’s sermon on the attacks thus far and the need for more Arab Palestinians to emulate with their own bodies and lives and finally “New Day and Terror Attacks Increasing,” where we summarized a single day’s attacks and where we gave special mention to the needless death and concurrent loss of Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky (pictured below), his murderer by a radicalized Israeli Arab and a short video of those gathered towards the end of that fateful day with the crowds spilling into the streets in an attempt by many to honor and pay their respects for Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky as he was lain to rest. The instigations and encouragement to violence by Imams and Arab Palestinian Authority terror instigators including Mahmoud Abbas and others has shown no signs of decreasing and could be summarized as increasing and it must be pointed out these calls to murder Israeli civilians have been echoed in sentiment if not outright calls from Arab and Joint List Knesset Ministers knowing they will never be made to pay a price for their traitorous activities as they too break Israeli laws against incitement to violence. Opposing the Arab Palestinian and Arab Israeli calls, which include an Imam brandishing a knife and using motions to indicate its use in a stabbing (though his form left room for improvement), were the calls from Israeli politicians and enforcement personnel who have implored people to avoid places where violence had been occurring such as traditionally parts of Eastern Jerusalem including the vast majority of the Old City of Jerusalem particularly on and around the Temple Mount, and the other areas from Ra’anana just outside of Tel Aviv to the rest of the locations of the other attacks.

Rabbi Yeshiyahu Krishevsky Was Run Over by the Terrorist Vehicle after which the Arab driver took to the ground with a meat cleaver, not actually though technically the knife the media referred to the weapon as being, chopped at the Rabbi assuring he had died and then took after the other person he had struck and chasing the others were injured through stabbings until the terrorist was shot by a security guard as well as several border police who arrived ending his continued attempts to kill people
Rabbi Yeshiyahu Krishevsky Was Run Over by the Terrorist Vehicle after which the Arab driver took to the ground with a meat cleaver, not actually though technically the knife the media referred to the weapon as being, chopped at the Rabbi assuring he had died and then took after the other person he had struck and chasing the others were injured through stabbings until the terrorist was shot by a security guard as well as several border police who arrived ending his continued attempts to kill people

The definitive difference between the Arab Palestinian and the Israeli broadcasts is one of implications looking back as well as going forward. The Arab Palestinian views have been all about further instigations and the demand that Arabs, both from the Palestinian and Israeli coverage made inflammatory rhetoric in attempts to encourage far more violence, death and destruction from Arabs coming from Judea and Samaria locations beyond the Green Line which demarcates the 1949 Armistice Line from the 1948-9 War of Genocidal Intent launched by over a half dozen Arab armies and several militias all attempting to decimate and commit a genocidal war against the State of Israel from the day of her inception and even before she was able to fully organize a military to defend the people of Israel and repel the invaders. The Arab broadcasts since day one encompass calls to arms and the instigation of Arab attacks against Israelis of all kinds though more often than not the calls are made to target Jews first and foremost. The Israeli broadcasts give pertinent information of locations where assaults are taking place so as to warn Israelis against walking in on a potentially deadly situation. The Israeli broadcasts reverently lists the dead and stricken victims from these attacks speaking of their accomplishments and the loss felt by the society with interviews of those who know the victims. The Israeli broadcasts beseeched that Arabs cease their homicidal attacks and allow for a return to normalcy.

So we have the Arab Palestinians calling for more violence whether the broadcasts originate from the Gaza with Hamas or Islamic Jihad spelling out their designs of incitement meant to encourage violence against Jews in particular and any Israeli generally even if they are sympathetic to the Arab cause as unless they are committed to acts of violence against the Jews they should feel unprotected from the potential of Arab violence being brought to the fore by Arab acts of violence. On the other side are the Israeli calls for calm and an end to the violence which has caused so much uncertainty and misery due to the deadly attacks. The Israelis decry these attacks, especially the suicide attacks, as antithetical assaults on society and the individuals, both those who perpetrate the attacks and those made to be the victims of these attacks. The Basic messages from the two sides are such polar opposite as the Arab Palestinians glorify the death of both the shahids who give their lives for the cause and their victims claiming such are the ultimate form of Jihad and support for the eventual formation of their state of Palestine replacing the state of Israel. These actions which are demanded by these calls for violent jihad really will not be successful as the threats of death will not prevent the Israelis from living their lives to the fullest. Such is the ultimate futility of the Arab Palestinian violence that the Arabs committing what is for all intent and purposes have all been a form of suicide attack as in almost every case as long as the terrorist is capable of movement of any sort they continue to grab their weapons, the knife, hatchet, meat cleaver or firearm and continue to attack until rendered completely neutralized which is a euphemism for dead. The Israeli response until very recently was to try and take the terrorists into custody almost at any cost. As incidents continued to rise both in lethality and numbers of attacks the Israeli response has also slowly been ramped up both in manpower and firepower. The real difference comes when one determines the intent of those involved. The terrorist has only two modes, the one where they continue to be a danger to those around them and the one where their threats have been mitigated and they are no longer a threat to the rest of the public body. The Israeli side aims for a continuation of life and the celebration of all the aspects and potentials in life and the loss to all when somebody’s life is interrupted and even terminated by an act of ruthless and wasteful terror. The Arab Palestinians worship the sacrifice just as their predecessors who also worshiped death and they commit their lives as had their idolaters with their human sacrifices to Ba’al and other stone edifices. The Arabs terrorists are the sacrifices to their false gods and their political leaders who never make such sacrifices with members from their own family, or at least extremely seldom use their own family members, play the part of the medicine man or priests from the idolatrous temple who commit the final act of sending the sacrificial individual to their death, be it on a stone altar or be it in some display of suicidal homicidal rage, the result is the same, a violent act of worship to their false god which demands sacrifices of death.

The Jews on the other hand celebrate life and believe that all lives matter in every situation. This drives the ethos where the emergency personnel and physicians treat those needing medical interventions suffering life threatening injuries before treating those with lesser wounds or suffering from shock. There have been the few who have called for the physicians to treat the Israelis first and leave any terrorist for last treatment if receiving any treatments at all. Those supporting such a heartless response are just further down that slippery slope where some lives are treated as more important than other lives, something which is counter to much of the ethics taught the world be the Judeo-Christian ethos. A life is a life and as we cannot know, fathom or even begin to understand the ramifications of any act when compared to Hashem’s plan for the universe, we cannot begin to claim to know whose life is most important. We are always joyous when the character in some fateful event is a person we can all use as an inspirational person to be held in high regard but we are far more challenged when the hero or the one responsible for some great consequence and the advocate for this betterment of society is somebody no one would ever mistake for an admirable person around whom would desire their child to emulate. Anyone who has ever read any Charles Dickens novels is familiar with the anti-hero, a person who does great acts of kindness and gives people assistance without asking for the monies to be repaid and we find often that the person behind these admirable acts is one of lesser morality who was particularly disreputable in their early life which has acquired for them quite a deal of wealth and then we find they are often doing self-imposed penance. This is given as the reason our learned rabbinic sages hold that all lives are precious and that we have no right to take a life unless it is to save lives.

Judaism has held for millennia that all lives matter, even that of the enemies of the Jews. Torah teaches the Jews and its students that one may not know or even recognize the hand Hashem as He manipulates and controls certain outcomes and guides everything such that all results as it should. This also means that we will not know who Hashem has great designs which will be placed upon their plate to be accomplished which will benefit all, and such will more often than not be beyond the capacity for mankind to understand and especially predict from whom and from where the next miracle may come. For these reasons and the other peculiarities which are just as far out of our cognitive investigative prowess as anything performed by Hashem and as such should never be questioned as all in the end will be as it should. Still, mankind was taught by the original codification in the Noahic Code which contains seven laws which are pretty much the same as the Ten Commandments minus the first three commandments. The Noahic Code is considered to be one of the earliest definitions of a basic framework for modern civilization as it calls for a fair and unbiased judiciary, basic rules which spell out protection of property, the sanctity of the marriage bond, and even one law against certain mistreatment of animals, thus the dictation that all lives matter as if a simple animal is worthy of our mercy and respect; even an animal we will be consuming as our meal. This is where the originating basis for the Jewish ideals of life as a sacred gift which we have no capacity to fully understand how each animal’s life is worth. There are boundless specifics in Judaism on even which animals one may consume and which are not for human consumption. This might beg the question as to why all the animals which Jews are restricted from eating are banned or why the clean animals are permitted for consumption. There are those who try and depict the laws as a simply guide for eating a safe diet which will restrict the possibility for food poisoning. This had been fed further by the standard claims about the difficulties with pork and the potential for salmonella should dairy product remains seep into the crevices in either wood or unfired clay bowls and then at the next meal that same bowls used with meat, possibly then the bowl could continue poisoning the person using it over a long period of time such that when the person does finally become ill, there would be no accurate way to discern what the poison was and from where it had come. The one overriding theme in Jewish culture and laws is that life is precious and a gift to be treasured and used respectfully of others such that every life is capable of fulfilling Hashem’s plans as directed.

Beyond the Cusp

October 15, 2015

How Will Europe Handle Unlimited Terror

The unsettled Arab refugees are not committing terrorism, they are simply demonstrating. That is how they demonstrate, that’s all, nothing more. What Europe is experiencing now is simple unrest which will die down over time and as the weather cools. Demonstrators, almost without exception, tend to demonstrate only when the weather permits and once the mercury drops below 10oC the demonstrators will thin out and soon be so few that three police is all that will be needed to monitor their antics. If they were to get media coverage there would often be more reporters than demonstrators. But once spring comes and the weather tops 20oC then the numbers start to return and the demonstrations next summer will very likely qualify to be called riots. But even that is not the worst of what Europe will soon be facing. Europe needs to understand that the influx of refugees has only just begun and will slow until next spring when they will follow the frost line as they head north into Germany, France, Britain and the Scandinavian nations where the life is the easiest and the benefits the most generous. But even with the best of benefits, the most gracious hospitality, the nicest neighborhoods, accommodations for Islam as good as any Middle Eastern nation, and department after government department going head over heels to provide and meet even the most contrary set of demands will only strengthen the image of weakness as polite and caring social services is the most definitive sign of weakness to the Islamist.

Let us explain. By going the extra distances to meet or exceed their grandest expectations, this will simply produce further demands. If the government and the people continue to try and meet even the most absurd and grand of demands, the Islamists will interpret such action as being fed by an innate fear which drives this high level of accommodation and striving to please. The Middle East Islamist mindset expects minimal efforts to meet the mere minimalist needs of the people as their governments were designed more to enrich the klepto-politicians rather than meet the peoples’ needs. The European rush to meet and even exceed expectations is inconceivable and is interpreted as the ruling class being so fearful of their presence that they actually are not stealing most of the funds for themselves but instead actually providing everything promised and then some. That can only be undeniable proof that these Europeans are just as weak willed and timid, as these refugees had been told they were, thus the demands will simply continue to grow while their feeling of power will grow and this will lead to rioting as this is the first step in their uprising to conquer these lands for Allah. As soon as they have determined, whether accurately or because of misunderstandings, that the local and national government officials, and thus also the people, are dutifully cowed and showing the complicity of timidity, the Islamist instigators who were sent to organize the young men, which appeared to make up the bulk of the refugees by some miracle of nature, will instigate starting the terror war for Europe which will commence soon thereafter. This will present the European media a conundrum as they will want to display the Muslims as the wretched and destitute who have been given the short rift in life which supposedly explains their anger, something that the European media has often claimed causes the terrorism in Israel included with the assumption that Israelis detest the Arab Palestinian and the mistreatment by the Jews is what drives the terrorism. Obviously the treatment given by the Europeans has been the epitome of caring affection with largess and benefits showered generously covering every accommodation required, requested or anticipated yet still not preventing terrorist attacks which do resemble the current third intifada stabbing marathon and the horrific terror spree across Jerusalem and throughout the rest of Israel.

Islamists Flying the Black Flag of the Islamic State Assaulting Greek Police with Murderous Intents from all Appearances
Islamists Flying the Black Flag of the Islamic State Assaulting Greek Police with Murderous Intents from all Appearances

What will the reaction be across the nations of Europe? That will all depend on which party is in power during the coming rioting and terrorism replete with stone throwing, stabbings, firebombings, muggings and potentially shootings. Should the more leftist parties such as the Social Democrats or even more leftist of the parties be in power inactions and policy lock-up will be the result. If, on the other hand, a right wing nationalist party heads the ruling coalition then law enforcement might just be granted a green light to do whatever is required to restore order. But even with a rightist government run coalition in power, it is possible that the more centrist parties in such a coalition might take a more cautious approach to the problem thus hindering any actual use of overt force to quell the riots, stabbings, rock throwing, firebombings and other attacks such that limited police actions such as tear gas and possibly water cannons will prove ineffective against the terrorist acts which are actually life threatening. Needless to point out that should there be a terrorist suicide bombing with a sizeable loss of life then all bets are off as long as there is a reasonable government in power. Still, sufficiently left leaning governance which abhors the governmental use of deadly power would prove to have insufficient actions to really end the threats. Whatever the makeup of the government, after a full summer of such terrorism and sufficient death toll, the next election will see the elections of right wing, nationalist, law and order parties across all of Europe. The result will be a bloodletting should such terrorism and rioting continue as the government elected on an enforce the law and take no prisoners campaign, such a government could easily react by calling out the military to support the police or to enforce the law through use of martial law. Either way, the military is not a police force, they are not well trained in limited use of force and when facing potentially deadly force used against them a military unit is far more likely to shoot first and never ever consider asking questions before, during or after. After the first time the military lets loose with deadly force against rioters there will be a potential for a backlash against such use of deadly force that the government will quite possibly be forced into a state of inaction as they will be uncertain as to what the public actually desires and is willing to support. Such a response is also almost guaranteed as leftish NGOs will be waiting for just such a scenario to take advantage and attempt to push for the return of a leftist, peace at any cost, give the rioters and terrorists whatever it takes to make them happy as supplication with ice cream is always preferable to tear gas and bullets.

Water cannon used on Islamic Rioters as Hungarian Police Attempt to Restore Order After Rioting
Water cannon used on Islamic Rioters as Hungarian Police Attempt to Restore Order After Rioting

There is something almost poetic about what is coming down the pike for the Europeans who have been riding Israel about their reaction to such violence from the Arab Palestinians. There has been the accusation of Israel as racist, though Israel has Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Druze, Ethiopians, and the Menashe from India included in the IDF and all other aspects of society. There has been Europeans accusing Israel of being an Apartheid State which is even more ridiculous than the charge of racism and for much the same reasoning. Then there have been the claims that Israel has been practicing genocide against the Arab Palestinians but as they have gone from less than three-quarters of a million to over five million in numbers the Israelis have been doing one horrific job and have probably the worst efficiency rating of any group in actually carrying out genocide. Trust that the Israeli Defense Force is far too competent to have such disastrous results if their efforts really were to genocidally eliminate the Arab Palestinians. The idea to boycott any business beyond the Green Line because they are profiteering on Arab Palestinian lands actually works against those very Arab Palestinians as many are employed by those companies who the Europeans are boycotting. Who do you think will lose their jobs if those companies all relocated to within the Green Line and many of their Arab Palestinian employees having no pass to enter within the Green Line would be left without employment. Further, the Israeli companies provide the second highest paying positions, higher paying than even the Arab Palestinian Security Forces and only lower than the payments made to terrorist’s families who are in Israeli prisons for murdering more Israelis. If the aim was to help the Arab Palestinians and prove that peace does have a chance, then the Europeans would be supporting and encouraging such enterprises. But despite the facts on the ground, we have heard and read stories from the media in Europe and the United States where the stories often begin with the shooting death of an Arab Palestinian for undetermined reason, they were simply shot dead leaving a wife, kids, heartbroken parents, a sick brother or sister needing an operation or any humanizing softening of the story making their case one for sympathy and buried somewhere within the story it is mentioned that the now victim of horrific cruelty by Israeli police, IDF or vigilante overzealous citizens had just previous to their death been shooting, running-over, stabbing or hacking Israeli civilians at a bus stop, light rail station or other gathering place where the potential for carnage was higher right before being shot and was only shot to end their killing spree. Then there is this Arab Palestinian who set himself on fire pictured below.

Arab Palestinian Sets Self on Fire Attempting to Throw Molotov Cocktail
Arab Palestinian Sets Self on Fire Attempting to Throw Molotov Cocktail

There has been an instigating infrastructure already in place across Europe waiting for just the right time when there would exist sufficient young men who were unfamiliar with European society and the different moral codes and accepted lifestyles and so many other societal differences between Western Judeo-Christian ethos and Islam. Such individuals are primed weapons which simply need the right circumstances and goading to turn a frustrated youth into a riotous, violent weapon of jihad who only needs to be aimed at the soft underbelly of Europe to extract revenge for all the slights they have been convinced they were suffering at the hands of the Europeans. Of course the Europeans will be completely puzzled and confused unable to come to grips with this situation. They will try to find where they fell short in assisting these obviously angered refugees who the Europeans believed they had provided for their every conceivable detail except one, the complete surrender of their culture and beliefs that all men are created equal, replacing it with the even simpler code of each man for themselves, a far more primitive and less developed and uncomplicated, straight-forward culture.

Beyond the Cusp

October 14, 2015

New Day and Terror Attacks Increasing

There was a promise from yesterday to talk about a recent increase in Christian yielding to ascending Islam in the Western World, so first to make good on our word. When researching some information we found that we are far from the first to talk about Chrislam as a rising idea in many churches and that this concept has spread far beyond the Anglican Church where the Archbishop of Canterbury was one of the first church leaders to suggest that his church make some accommodations for acceptance of Islam and incorporate some Islamic acceptance and influences into the churches liturgy as a method for the church to survive. When Dr. Rowan Williams when he was the Archbishop of Canterbury stated the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia law in the UK “seems unavoidable,” this was the initial start of an inevitable surrender to the inevitability of Islam becoming an integrated, inseparable and intractable force in Britain. This was followed with news later that the Anglican Church was considering making accommodations which could lead to a merging of the Church and Islam in a form which would incorporate both religions as a way of rescuing the church from lack of participation and filling the empty pews. There have since been Bishops and other high church officials from almost every form of Protestantism hinting or even insinuating or inferring, if one prefers, that some form of merging between their respective churches with Islam was the path for the future whereby both religions could and would gain from the incorporation of the best from each religion making the resultant faith the largest and most followed religion on the planet. Needless to say the reactions to these allegations that some truncated version of Christianity with an equally compromised form of Islam could be the basis for Chrislam and a stronger version of both Christianity and Islam combining the two religions were immediate and anything but cordial. The claim the union would easily make for the largest of all religions was said to be assuming that there were not mass migrations from Chrislam by both Muslims and Christians to churches and mosques which remained true to the source essences of each religion was being ignored and also likely to represent the majority of adherents to both religions.

The doubts that any idea of Chrislam becoming the newest religion by forming a marriage between Christianity and Islam were expressed by both faiths, though the reasons differed radically between the two religions. The main problem the defenders of Christianity gave revolved around the conflict which would ensue over the deity of Jesus Christ and the trinity being one of the criticisms which Islam held was polytheism which they explained showed the limited understanding the practitioners of Islam held about the trinity being the three forms of the wholeness of G0d and that there was really only one G0d in Christianity who had taken three facets representing the differing entities which defined the wholeness of G0d. The defenders of Islam simply insisted in the damnable beliefs and the corrupted verses of the Christian Bible which just as the Hebrew Bible differed from the Quran which was all the proof necessary to prove it was a corruption of the word of Allah and thus the religions of both Judaism and Christianity were false religions and their adherents would either be sent straight to hell or would be granted one last chance on judgement day to accept the Quran, Muhammad and to correct their erroneous ways and join the only true faith, Islam. As for whether anything such as Chrislam will ever come to pass, the probabilities are slim at best and completely impossible as the Christians will never compromise on the deification of Jesus Christ while the Muslims will never compromise on their Quran and their being the final word from Allah superceding Christianity just as Christianity with the New Testament was thus superceding Judaism.

What is more likely to happen is those Christians who are that unsure and not wholly committed to their faith and would be willing to form some bastardized version of Christianity merging with Islam be compromising and blurring the differences would just as easily continue down that slippery slope and soon come to rest as practitioners of Islam though their probability of being accepted by many Muslims would be remote as anyone that willing to compromise their religious principles obviously is incapable of true faith and dedication that Islam demands and cannot be trusted to be true to Islam as new Muslims than they had been to their Christianity. But all Chrislam would ever become would be a way-station for those Christians unsure of their faith and already inclined to try a different religion, particularly one with adherents so completely dedicated as the Muslims they have known or read about appear to be capable of being. Their view was and would continue to be to believe whatever was the going religion of the moment and as such not really any religion as much as a person going through the motions in order to be popular and in the primary and ascendant group, the dominant religion.

On to what was a horrific day of terrorist strikes all across Israel with the brunt of the attacks plaguing Jerusalem. It tears at one’s gut to have the holy and wondrous city of Jerusalem be the scene of such carnage and cruelty. There were at least a half dozen Israelis murdered and approaching thirty people injured. There was this attack where the terrorist rammed a bus stop with his vehicle and then proceeded to assault people murdering Rabbi Yeshayahu Krishevsky and severely wounding a second person as seen in the video below. A security guard who was close to the incident intervened and initially wounded the terrorist with his firearm but the terrorist grabbed for his weapon and rose to his feet when he was pushed against the wall and refused to go down still clasping his knife or hatchet, depending on which report, was shot a second time and he still got to his feet and attempted to make his way to his vehicle when the security guard fired one last time killing the terrorist.

Another attack saw a team of terrorists attempt to commandeer an entire bus and when that failed they attempted to kill as many passengers as possible after locking the doors of the bus. The attack took place at a bus stop in the East Talpiot or Armon HaNetziv neighborhood in southeast area of Jerusalem. The two terrorists were armed with a knife and a pistol attacking passengers with one person killed and eighteen others were injured, with at least three being critically injured. Police arrived while the attack was in progress with one terrorist threatening people in vehicles which had stopped at the scene and by the time everything was said and done one of the terrorists was injured and taken into custody and the other terrorist was dispatched to Allah.

Rabbi Yeshiyahu Krishevsky, a member of the Pinsk-Karlin Hassidic sect, spent years compiling the book “Pearls of Yeshiyahu” on the Torah, and acquaintances had told Arutz Sheva about Rabbi Krishevsky stating that, “He lived alone for many years. All he wanted to do was study Torah and perform mitzvoth. At religious events, we always honored him with speaking because of his extensive knowledge of the Torah. Standing next to the deceased at the bus stop was one of the most important Hassid. He is the second injured person who condition remains defined as serious. May the peace and quiet return to Jerusalem.” Rabbi was on his way to study Torah as he had done every day for years. Rabbi Krishevsky is survived by one son. He was laid to rest today and we have included a video funeral service or at least the scene out on the street outside of the synagogue.

There were other attacks with one thwarted in Tel Aviv, two along the coast in Ra’anana, a town north of Tel Aviv, where a man stabbed four people with a knife on Jerusalem Boulevard with one in serious condition with stab wounds to the upper body. The three other victims were slightly injured, Baruch Hashem. The terrorist was arrested. Earlier in the day, another attack just a few hours earlier in Ra’anana was another stabbing attack in which one male victim was slightly injured being stabbed while waiting at a bus stop on the central Ahuza thoroughfare in the city. A spokesperson for the Magen David Adom rescue service said, “The victim, 32, suffered light wounds to his upper body in the incident.” It was reported by Magen David Adom and confirmed by police that the attacker, after being beaten by passersby to stop the attack, was taken into custody with serious injuries.

On an older front there was shooting at an IDF vehicle by snipers from inside Gaza. As usual it was not sure which of the terror entities was responsible though by default Hamas is the elected government and by default they are held responsible by Israeli authorities. This was not the first time since the resent assault wave in Jerusalem and throughout Israel as there was another incident on the Gaza border two days ago as Palestinians opened fire at an IDF force near Kissufim working on reinforcing the border fence. While discussing the border fence, the regional leaders from the four regions bordering Gaza on Sunday called on Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud) and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to immediately advance stalled plans to build a barricade the entire length of the Gaza border. Their urgency was spurred by the recent event which saw dozens of Gaza Arabs storm the border fence attempting once again to break through to Israeli territory. IDF soldiers were able to keep the hordes back without incident despite their having some limited success in breaching the fence. The demand is for a barrier similar to the wall in Jerusalem and other points considered most dangerous in Judea and Samaria such as Bethlehem. Perhaps the fence pictured below may just be insufficient to contain the attacks which have begun to be implemented by the terror forces in Gaza and perhaps it is time to proceed with installing a barrier and make the border more secure and also to act as a bullet stopper rendering sniper fire a thing of the past.

Current Gaza Fence which has proven to be insufficient to prevent storming by large groups of terrorist invaders or in preventing sniper fire and related dangers
Current Gaza Fence which has proven to be insufficient to prevent storming by large groups of terrorist invaders or in preventing sniper fire and related dangers

Finally, in closing, despite almost receiving no coverage, as, by comparison, the stone and cinderblock throwing at passing vehicles with Israeli license plates continued and has not lessened in ferocity or murderous intents. The citizens and their friends or relatives who may visit them are still at risk of being ambushed and potentially having their windshield or other windows smashed through and the rocks, bricks and/or cinderblocks hurling through the vehicle injuring or murdering the occupants and should the driver be struck the car may careen out of control striking a wall or tree or slamming into a ditch threatening all riding within the vehicle. We could describe the times when there were serious injuries or death but that would take up too much of your time and most would not read such a list. Instead let us remember three complete innocents who paid the ultimate price. More information is available at the articles we wrote when these assaults occurred. Yonatan Palmer age one died when his father lost control of the vehicle after a large rock struck him in the head and he either lost consciousness or was murdered immediately. Chaya Zissel Braun three-month-old baby girl before she was struck in her tiny little head by a rock thrown in a stone throwing assault and died shortly thereafter. The final victim did not die but her life will be permanently scarred as she missed a year of life and school meaning she will not be graduating with the class who has been a popular member until she met tragedy on the receiving end of a Molotov cocktail. Eleven year-old Ayala Shapira was burned over almost her entire body with severe burns on her face which will always leave scars and deformations no matter how many surgeries she must endure. Pictures of Yonatan Palmer and Chaya Zissel Braun can be viewed at the links above while a video showing the vehicle minutes after the crash where Ayala Shapira received the burns and scarring she will never completely recover from. These may have been some of the most severe attacks from the rock and firebomb throwers but that does not lessen the intent of the current attacks as if given even the slightest opportunity to murder more people with Israeli license plates, note we did not refer to the targets as Jews as they would attack any Israeli where one out of five Israelis are Arabs, they would release blood curdling yells of exhilaration as they not only murdered but also continued to attack even the corpse in order to remove any identity and satisfy their bloodlust. Such is the true horror of these rock throwers as their lust to kill, to slaughter is insatiable and beyond any reason and these attacks have been pushed from any coverage as the stabbings and other attacks are more noteworthy and because of the ancient news slogan, “If it bleeds, it leads.” This may have been in use when Aristotle read his morning tablet.

Beyond the Cusp

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Beyond the Cusp

October 13, 2015

Terror War Escalated with Calls for More Stabbings

Step one in the ramping up of attacks to the point where every few hours we hear of new stabbing attacks being prevented or too often the dreaded successful attack with some victims barely holding to life and very seriously injured but stabilized and expected to survive and those fortunate enough to need a short treatment in a hospital or even just an outpatient treatment. The news will quite possibly concentrate exclusively on those assaults taking place near the Temple Mount or the Old City of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and those ‘occupied’ (actually disputed) territories. This will permit summarizing that the reason for these assaults is because of the Palestinians not being granted their state. This does not explain the stabbing attacks within Green Line Israel including a serious attack in Tel Aviv amongst others. Then there is the call that has gone out to all Arabs, Palestinian, Israeli or any who can commit an attack on Israelis. Below is a picture of a Rafah cleric calling upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly followed by the MEMRI video of a cleric’s sermon from which the picture was taken.

Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly
Knife Wielding Rafah cleric calls upon Arab Palestinians to stab Jews murdering them wherever they find them and seek them and stab them repeatedly

These stabbings all have escalated since the shooting deaths of Eitam and Naama Henkin who were slaughtered after their vehicle had been struck with rocks and cinderblocks with all of this taking place in front of their four young children. The murderers were eventually caught and were found to have been members of Hamas and still were also officers in the Palestinian Security Forces which is provided arms by Israel as part of some horrific agreement which simply twists fate beyond all reason. It is highly likely that these murders were carried out using their service weapons which is more than enough reason to disarm the Palestinian Security Forces. Of course this possibility is one question not being pursued and one which the government will never reveal as to do so would start an upheaval which would be beyond the government’s ability to quell without acting on this possibility. At the least a full and independent investigation is definitely in order with the result made public at the same time as it is released to the government so as to remove any possibility of a cover-up. The next video is serious and quite disturbing as an Arab youth turns on the Israeli Border Police Officer attacking the officer as he is checking identifications along with two other officers. When the youth pulls his knife and attacks the two officers closest to him, we see the insanity with which these attacks are carried out as it immediately becomes obvious that this is a checkpoint and there are quite a number of other Border Police stationed carrying out the identity checks, something not that out of the ordinary when considering the level of violence in and around the Temple Mount this past week. The scene develops ramping up immediately with the dozen Border Police brandishing their sidearms and after a few seconds we also see an IDF soldier who must have been in the area also appear with his weapon. The assailant is quickly dispatched and rendered to no longer pose any threat. Such an attack on an officer in close proximity to the amount of backup received almost immediately shows the intensity and hatred driving these attacks that when having a dozen armed officers carrying out an identification check, something with which I and every Israeli is familiar.

Identification checkpoints are located everywhere and can be run into almost to the point of ridiculous as there are identification checks to ride the trains, a major form of transport for a majority of Israelis, when entering any shopping mall, any government building, almost every upscale retail store, before entering an entire area of any city where a parade is being held or any other such gathering point such as for marathons where the entire route is closed with identification check required to enter as well as any other event or locations such as stadiums, lecture halls, expositions etc. When we hear about the checkpoints being a cause of disruption and an inconvenience for the Arab Palestinians it plays poorly as checkpoints are a fact of life in all of Israel. On a single trip to a doctor’s office one could run into any number of checkpoints and is guaranteed to have one at the hospital entrance if the doctor’s office is in one of the hospital clinics, so checkpoints are not unusual for Israelis anywhere and not simply only inconveniencing Arab Palestinian in the disputed areas.

There are likely fewer checkpoints in these areas with the majority of them placed where trouble may be expected through intelligence information gathered or points where larger numbers of Arab Palestinian enter across the Green Line into Israel. The world demands that Israel place as few or no checkpoints within the disputed area and then complains that there are checkpoints wherever the Arab Palestinian enters into the main areas of Israel. If the Arab Palestinian areas are to be treated as another country, one which has proved to encourage murderous attacks on Israeli citizens, then these are border checkpoints and reducing their numbers increases the potential threats I and other Israelis would face in our day to day lives. These checkpoints were put in place after suffering at the least one suicide terrorist bombing ever week to ten days and often more when they began blowing up the first bomb and then when police and others were at the scene treating the wounded, removing the fatalities while checking their identifications and other cleaning and investigating when a second bomb would be detonated to murder as many police and others who would have gathered at the scene of the initial bombing attack. Since the increased surveillance and checkpoints there have been far fewer bombings to the point that today the main attacks consist of stabbings, rocks hurling at vehicles which have proven fatal, shootings and ramming crowds or checkpoints with a vehicle which has also produced numbers of fatalities. As long as the stabbings, rock throwing, cinderblock thrown attacks, use of Mosque as assault point armory on Temple Mount, mob attacks in Jerusalem and other aggressions continue at such a fevered pace then there will be more checkpoints, more random identification checks which includes Israelis being checked and other necessities to decrease the danger to the public. The Border Police and other law enforcement know that should they catch a terrorist at the checkpoint that before their identification check is completed they usually assault the officers and this is preferred by the security personnel as such an attack means fewer civilians facing that particular threat as they will now prevent a future attack. That is the reason for the checkpoints to begin with, making Israel and the disputed territories safe for everyone. Some of these attacks have made victims out of Israeli Arabs and even Arab Palestinians and checkpoints protect everyone and the removal of checkpoints simply feeds the terror cycle as every successful terror attack breeds more attacks simply because violence fuels and inflames the desires to also become famous and be lauded by Arab Palestinian society, and murdering Israelis is the fastest path to such praise.

Many times when there has been attacks intercepted by Israeli security forces the news even within Israel follow the same blueprint, the Israeli security personnel are shown forcing the crowds back and their continued clashing with the assailants who are often barricading themselves in the al-Aqsa Mosque which serves as an attack platform and armory where rocks, pyrotechnics, Molotov cocktails and other objects both for ranged attacks and hand to hand combat. These attacks are choreographed and often planned to implement bait and ambush security officers as well as mass attacks in an attempt to interfere with people who are not Muslims from touring the Temple Mount, this includes Christians as well as Jews and others who are not Muslims. Last year produced an assault near the Temple Mount at the Mount Olives Cemetery, where Jewish luminaries from throughout Jewish history stretching back over two thousand year are interred there and often have had their graves destroyed and defaced, there was a rock attack on visiting United States elected politicians who were visiting the graves of some of the illustrious persons buried there. Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler, both New York Democrats, were pelted with rocks from the Arab Palestinian schoolyard which overlooks the cemetery and has been the source of such attacks before. Below is a picture of one of the rocks, presumably the one that struck Representative Nadler, shown holding said rock, and below that the video of Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler voicing their reactions to the life-threatening situation which they experienced and assume is not as unusual an event as often depicted in reporting by the media.

Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler displaying one of the rocks hurled down upon them from Palestinian schoolyard overlooking Mount Olives Cemetery
Representatives Eliot Engel and Jerrold Nadler displaying one of the rocks hurled down upon them from Palestinian schoolyard overlooking Mount Olives Cemetery

There is another video from just over a week ago in the midst of reports of violence escalating on the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem and across Israel and the contested territories where the chairman of Fatah Party and self-proclaimed President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas made a statement released to the media where he denied that there was any Arab Palestinian violence and if there were any such violence, then it was righteous and necessitated by attacks upon the Islamic holy sites. We can only assume that Chairman Abbas believes the piles of rocks and boxes of pyrotechnics and rows of Molotov cocktails were all hurled by the Israeli Border Police and Temple Mount Police into the al-Aqsa Mosques and landed arranged for easy access should anybody within the Mosque care to hurl them back at the Police. These objects which have consistently been the ammunition used by the Arab Palestinian terrorists when assaulting the police, an activity which they appear to have nothing better to do than start these confrontations. Abbas claiming that the police are instigating these confrontations because they mass outside the al-Aqsa Mosque without cause after chasing and assaulting the young, innocent, ice-cream-would-not-melt-in-their-mouths young adults and teens into the Mosque and the projectile and balls of fire emanating from the Mosque are actually being thrown into the Mosque by the Police and something only explainable by complex physics including probability theories and quantum entanglement of objects at a molecular level is the reason all the projectiles appear to be coming from within the Mosque despite the fact that these young adults and teens are not confronting and rioting as has been reported.

The next video depicts that exact scene as it played out in mid-September, a good two to three weeks before Chairman Abbas claimed with a straight face that the Arab Palestinians have not been rioting and there had been no Islamic instigated violence of any kind, well except for the rock throwing, Molotov cocktail hurling and physical assaults on police.

There are also brutal vicious shooting deaths of Eitam and Naama Henkin in the front seat of their vehicle with their four children in the back seat on October 13, 2015, almost a week before Chairman Abbas made his statement. So, this was a defensive act to prevent what exactly, prevent two parents from returning home, cause rioting on the most sacred ground in Judaism and presumably, as we have been told endlessly, the third holiest site in all of Islam with a stated goal of preventing the Jews from soiling it with their “filthy feet” just to quote Abbas as shown in the next video. How could Abbas have forgotten this video which precedes his we have committed no violence pleading to the Europeans and others to use as proof that the Israeli reports and the news clips are all imaginary or played out on a sound stage?

This violence has been instigated, choreographed, tactically executed and trained for by Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and near countless others. These attacks are not unique to just Israel. What do these terrorist groups all have in common? They all received training from Iran either in Iran, Syria or Lebanon while also receiving assistance such as explosives and other provisions for the production of rockets and mortars to be used against Israel. But these problems have spread now across Europe with Germany being a particular hot spot and Hungary coming in a close second. These disturbances will continue their march westwards eventually rising up with riots and attacks on police and other targets in France and finally Britain. Below are a pair of videos, the first depicting the violence and police attempt to control a group of ‘Syrian refugees’ as they fight between themselves and also attempt to break out of the camp. The second depicts the trail of riots, violence and mayhem as it winds its route through Europe. It has numerous scenes from numerous locations in Europe, confrontations with authorities and scenes which are becoming commonplace throughout Europe and spreading from the major cities now to the towns as the influx has easily topped one million if not two million or more refugees and the train has just begun. On average each refugee has between four to dozens of family they will desire to have joining them once they are settled. This will play out over the next three to five years until at some point Europe will be forced to accept Islamic rule. Coming tomorrow will be an article on how some Christian Churches and organizations are already preparing for Islam to conquer the western world.

Beyond the Cusp

October 12, 2015

Israel Only Able To Prevent Suicide by Withdrawal from World Bodies

The rumor mill has once again sounded the warning that France will be presenting a motion to the Security Council condemning Israel as an occupier of the lands which were liberated from Jordanian occupation in the Six Day War in June of 1967. The formation of the homeland for the Jewish people came in three easy to understand steps. The first step was the proposal for the lands to be divided into one state for the Jews and a second Arab Palestinian state complimenting the already existing Arab Palestinian state cut from the British Mandate lands called Jordan, originally Transjordan. The San Remo Conference put forth that the lands turned over to British control under the title of British Mandate Lands was for the formation of the Jewish state. This meant that all of the Mandate lands under British control were to form the Jewish state. While the British were doing all within their power to guarantee that there would never be sufficient Jews allowing for their state to be founded they ‘requested’ with likely some degree of ominous foreboding that the Zionist Congress allow for the using of the Mandate lands east of the Jordan River, that is seventy-eight percent of the lands, be given for forming an Arab Palestinian State which would be ruled by the Hashemite Royal Family and in return the British Crown and nation would guarantee that the remaining twenty-two percent of the Mandate lands west of the Jordan River would remain inviolately usable for the Jewish homelands. That was the first dividing of the lands presumably reserved for the homeland for the Jewish People for which we have nobody to blame but ourselves for agreeing and that die has been cast.

British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel
British Mandate as prescribed division between Arab State of Jordan and Jewish State of Israel

The British, true to their word, to the Arab leaders, restricted the number of Jews permitted to enter the British Mandate lands, even throughout World War II when having a place to emigrate to would have saved millions of Jewish lives, and had refused an offer by the Germans before they invaded Poland for the British to allow Germany to deport their Jewish population to the British Mandate lands thus sealing the fate of German and European Jewry and setting the final segments in place for the Holocaust. Even after World War II and the gruesome realities of the Holocaust became known where figures estimate that over six million Jews and millions of Roma, Serbians, Poles, Homosexuals, mentally unstable and other disabled persons were all liquidated as there was no room in the Reich for inferior humans such as those persecuted minorities, the British were still holding out against the formation of Israel and continued to refuse to allow the remainder of European Jews to emigrate to the British controlled areas even going as far as to take some of the Jews who were caught attempting to land in Haifa, Tel Aviv and other ports and place them right back into the concentration camps under British control in Germany. This was the fate of the real ship Exodus which was portrayed in the movie by the same name except the real Exodus was intercepted by the British, boarded and the Jews taken around Europe and up the Rhine and the Jews were incarcerated in ‘Displaced Persons Camps’ which for the survivors of the Concentration Camps this was a particularly trying and distressing imposition. They had believed and hoped with all the fiber left in them that they were going to be in Eretz Yisroel and instead the British had taken them back to Germany and basically incarcerated them in a holding camp for displaced persons. History is full of ironies and events which defy logic or explanation as to why and how people could be so heartless or unthinking as to incarcerate Jews in camps after their having survived the concentration camps but then again they might have been spared the concentration camps had Britain or any other nation agreed to take them in or allow them refuge in one of their colonial possessions of the period but none were offered. The Exodus was simply one ship out of many which had sailed for Israel only to be intercepted and placed in camps only to finally release them allowing their immigration to Israel after the recognition on May 15, 1948.

Haganah Ship Exodus after the British Boarded her Blocking Jews Entrance to British Mandate Taking Jews to be Held in Camps in Germany
Haganah Ship Exodus after the British Boarded her Blocking Jews Entrance to British Mandate Taking Jews to be Held in Camps in Germany

Finally the United Nations on November 29, 1947 held their vote in the General Assembly on whether or not to offer a partition plan which would establish another Arab Palestinian State additional to Jordan and Israel for the Jews and even proposed a set of boarders which would have maximized the two sides to be constantly at each other’s throats with constant complaints of border transgressions. As this was a General Assembly Resolution it had absolutely no binding powers and held only the power of suggesting one possible solution and could have led to negotiations or other method of settling any disputes or claims from either party. The one thing it could not do was survive either side refusing to accept the offer of two states for two peoples living side by side in peace and security or in any form what-so-ever. Thus was General Assembly Resolution 181 born with the map below depicting the borders proposed by the United Nations which was sent to the Zionist Congress and the Arab League for their respective approvals. Should both parties have accepted the proposal there would have been two states formed in the lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. The Zionist Congress and all Jewish Agencies agreed to the proposal almost immediately. The Arab League held a vote where it was almost unanimously refused claiming that no size Arab state was acceptable if it did not include all of the land and that no Jewish state was acceptable in any form, size or other consideration and that the Jews must not be permitted a state on what was pure Arab lands. The refusal by the Arab League meant that General Assembly Resolution 181 offer for two states died at that moment and the United Nations decided with the agreement of the British, as the British desired to be rid of the entire tangled mess and all the problems their remaining would entail, so Israel was born with the borders being the entirety of the British Mandate lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The rejection by the Arab League left all the land in the map below to become Israel, the entirety including both the orange and green plus the white area depicting Jerusalem as the Arabs gave up their claims and that made void the divisions proffered in Resolution 181 so when the British still insisted they were leaving as of sundown May 14, 1948, then at that point the Jewish state of Israel came into being which was the next day as in Judaism sundown is the start of the next day which is why though the British surrendered their control at sundown on May 14 that Israel declared their independence day to correspond with May 15, 1948 which was 5th of Iyyar, 5708 on the Hebrew calendar.

UN Palestine Partition Versions of 1947 and included within UN General Assembly Resolution 181 which was rejected by the Arab League negating the UN Resolution as if either side rejects such a UN Resolution which is non-binding, it invalidates the entire agreement rendering it mute from that point forward. Jerusalem was to be managed by a corpus separatum (Latin: “separate entity”) set up consisting of an international groups most likely to be rotated. This offer was accepted by the Zionist Congress but having any General Assembly Resolution accepted by one side and rejected by the other is simply one hand clapping, useless.
UN Palestine Partition Versions of 1947 and included within UN General Assembly Resolution 181 which was rejected by the Arab League negating the UN Resolution as if either side rejects such a UN Resolution which is non-binding, it invalidates the entire agreement rendering it mute from that point forward. Jerusalem was to be managed by a corpus separatum (Latin: “separate entity”) set up consisting of an international groups most likely to be rotated. This offer was accepted by the Zionist Congress but having any General Assembly Resolution accepted by one side and rejected by the other is simply one hand clapping, useless.

That morning seven national armies crossed into the nascent state of Israel in an invasion having the full intent of murdering every last Jew; every man, woman and child. This war continued off and on for over a year and became known as the Israeli War of Independence. The problem with that name is it is a misrepresentation of what occurred. Israel did not win this war; they just did not completely lose this war. Israel survived a war intent on their annihilation but lost lands to Jordan, Syria and Egypt. Israel did fight a war for independence which ended on November 29, 1947 when the date was set for Israeli independence and the departure of the British Mandate forces. From that date on Israel was fighting a war with the Arab population led by the Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini and these guerilla forces were joined by armies from Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Arab Liberation Army (Arabic جيش الإنقاذ العربي‎) commanded by Fawzi al-Qawuqji, Army of the Holy War (Arabic جيش الجهاد المقدس) commanded by Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni and Hasan Salama, and volunteers from Muslim Brotherhood, Yemen, Pakistan and Sudan. Additionally both Britain and the United States had official policy of an arms embargo on all sides though there was some British help provided the Arab forces as the British turned over much of their arms and equipment to the Arab forces as they departed in the weeks leading up to May 14, 1948. Israel very well might not have persevered if not for one nation which understood being the victim of British ignobly when they were sacrificed to Germany and Hitler in order to avoid any potential conflict over such a trivial matter such as was Czechoslovakia to the powers such as Britain in the period immediately before the invasion of Poland began World War II officially. Czechoslovakia bravely ignored the major powers embargo and basically all but dared them to say something, anything about what they had chosen to do. Israel owes them a debt of gratitude and more to the Czech Republic and to Slovakia so as to return the favor of life which they provided Israel in their time of greatest need and challenge.

By the end of the war the Egyptians held the Gaza Strip which they gained from Israel, the Syrians had gained control over the whole of the Golan Heights which previously were divided at their highest point and Jordan had gained much of Judea, Benyamin, Samaria and half of Jerusalem which included the entirety of the Old City as well as the Temple Mount and many of the oldest and most historic and important cities and towns from ancient Israeli and Jewish history. These lands gained by these aggressors were the true occupied lands and were presumably part of Israel and were lost when Israel managed to survive the war of Jewish annihilation by over a dozen Arab armies but still Israel lost lands and the world has done everything possible to enforce that loss despite Israel liberating these lands when forced into war by another attempt at annihilation when Gamal Abdel Nasser commanding the Syrian and Egyptian armies declared they would “drive the Jews into the Sea.” Jordan did not join in this war in early June of 1967 and Israeli leaders begged Jordan not to join the war and not to believe the broadcasts on Syrian and Egyptian news telling of their advances and imminent capture of Tel Aviv, but Jordan wanted their slice of the corpse of the Jewish State and the Jews trying to tell them that they were actually winning was just a ploy by the Jews who had to be lying so Jordan jumped in on the second day of the Six Day War and lost the occupied lands as Israel liberated Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and most of all the Old City and Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The world has never forgiven Israel for winning these wars and surviving because they cannot accept the Jews as being confident, armed and proficient at defending themselves. But just because Israel has not lost the fight does not mean they have to win the peace. The aim is to force Israel back to the presumably undefendable borders of pre Six Day War 1967 so that the Arab armies can have another go at Israel and maybe this time they will succeed and Israel will be destroyed and the Jews will be back to begging from every nation to please permit us our little corner and we will promise not to make any trouble and will live at your kindnesses.

Now the French are next up to introduce another Security Council Resolution declaring that Israel has no rights to “occupy” Arab Palestinian lands in the West Bank, the name which Jordan gave to Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and eastern Jerusalem including the entire old city and the Temple Mount. The reason given for this emergency resolution is the dangerous rioting in Old City Jerusalem and particularly the Temple Mount for which these lands must be immediately rewarded to the Arab Palestinians so that the rioting will end as the Israelis are the reason for the rioting and the terrorism. If only the Arab Palestinians are granted their historic lands, historic lands for a terminology used first by Yasser Arafat with the assistance of his Soviet KGB masters who invented Palestinians to mean the Arabs who are no different than the people in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and the other Arab nations in the Middle East. What is being glossed over is that the rioters are the Arabs and if the solution to Arab rioting is to give them the lands then what is to be done with the Arab violence in Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Ashkelon and the future Arab violence which will break out in almost every corner of what is today Israel? I think I can guess at the European solution and that would be to give all of Israel to the Arabs and let them do as they wish with the Jews just as long as they do not send them to Europe. The question is are these miscreant youths who you really wish to reward encouraging their behavior, especially when there are thousands of potentially like-minded youths residing in and currently entering Europe? Think about this carefully, really carefully.

Perhaps the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations should place a sister resolution to the Security Council which will reward the Arabs rioting across Europe by giving them the cities and nations where the Arabs are rioting to the Arab rioters as if it is the right solution to Arab rioting them; it must work the same wherever there exists Arab rioting. I have a suggestion for the French; take care of the Islamic violence in your own nation such as the horrific murders at Charlie Hebdo and the Hyper Cacher kosher market, the terrorist murders of three young children and a rabbi at the Ozar Hatorah School in the north-east part of Toulouse before throwing barbs at Israel. There are sufficient problems in every nation at some level which others could throw the stones of indignance at, but throwing such stones from your own glass house at somebody else’s glass house results in two very smashed glass houses with no benefit to either house owner. If for one moment the world would read the San Remo Conference results and they would know almost instantaneously that the lands from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea all belongs to Israel and technically so does all of Jordan, but the Zionist Congress made a sacrifice to please the native Arab population and allowed the British to make good on their promises and this is the repayment, the attempt to take the remaining twenty-two percent of the lands promised the Jews and reward those who would destroy everything the Jews have built and murder every Jew given half the chance. Let us all hope that the French will prepare for their own problems because if the reward for Arabs rioting is to give them the lands, we can expect a world full of Arab rioting and demands they be rewarded the lands in which they rioted just as the precedent the European and United Nations demanded from Israel as why should Europe be any different than Israel? Time will tell but be careful on the precedents set as they have a nasty habit of growing bolder and more voracious with their appetite only growing after they swallow another morsel surrendered under duress, a lot more appetite.

Beyond the Cusp

October 11, 2015

In Israel America is Still That Gleaming Land of Greatness

The statements in this article are formed from the Israelis I have met and is hopefully something which continues to hold truthful as my experiences broaden. The vast majority of Israelis, particularly young Israelis, have an idealized view of the United States. They believe that in the United States opportunities exist like nowhere else on Earth. They see the United States as being capable of achieving just about anything they decide to put the efforts towards. This is not to say that they approve of everything the United States does or does not do that concerns the Israelis. Despite their love affair with the United States, that love affair sours rather rapidly when one takes stock in how Israeli feel about the United States governance. There many Israelis have more difficulty understanding as they see the United States as capable of doing unbelievable good if only the government would allow the people to take care of things themselves. You see, where one’s initial observation would be that the average Israeli has a view of the United States which is unrealistic, as you delve deeper you realize that they are not seeing the United States as perfect or they believe that things in the United States are perfect. What one sees is that the average Israeli loves Americans and their forms of governance and have just as jaundiced a view of the government as the most conservative Tea Party individual. Rumor says that this belief does not extend to much of one large city where their views match closer to Boston, New York, Los Angeles or most other large cities in the United States. Thus far I have avoided visiting this one city as I like the idealized view of the United States, well, more so the views of the average American citizen.

This view of America, as that is the real love, is that ideal America that went to the moon in less than a decade after deciding they were to meet that challenge. They love the concepts of full equality of opportunity and the spirit which made America great and is still there as a creative spark which is inside every human being but stifled more everywhere else outside America. The America most Israelis have experienced has been through the eyes of those who have visited the United States and seen the great potential which exists in the United States and these people have not stayed in the United States sufficiently long enough for the bad shortcomings to become just as easily witnessed thus bringing even the most devoted Israeli to see that there are places where the United States falls well short of the mark. Ask the average Israeli what they think of the United States and you get the feeling they believe that America can do no wrong. Dig a little deeper and you see a people whose idealized view is of the average American and their can do attitude becomes more of a could have been attitude which is more in line with reality.

One looks a little deeper and one begins to understand where the average Israeli gets their views on the United States and things begin to make sense. The average Israeli forms their views of the United States on the relatively small number of Americans they meet. Here in Israel most of the people get a small sample size and have only met Americans who have afforded not only trips to Israel but many have also an apartment that they own and plan on retiring and living in said apartment, so obviously the Americans they have met are the more wealthy and additionally their sampling consists solely of American Jews who are also Zionist and tend to be more conservative. Many of these Americans have completed college and are by and large physicians with many also being surgeons. So, their sample size is rather small and more indicative of the wealthier Americans and often include other than those in the medical fields, Americans who have some form of engineering or other scientific degrees and again often post graduate work with many having gotten their doctoral degree. So, again their sampling is skewed to successful Zionists which mean that they have again met mostly conservative people who have often also formed their own companies and many also hold a MBA degree to go along with their doctoral degree. To point out these are highly motivated people who would have succeeded in almost every nation in the Western world would be an understatement. If one speaks with the Americans who reside now in Israel after holding a successful career in the United States, many also fulfilled their required service in Israel as well. The sample size keeps being refined down to a very motivated and brilliant people who are driven and who meet very high criteria in education and accomplishments to their credit. These people tend to be conservative but still often voted as a good social liberal though they often had a very simple and basic filter which was dependent on one issue. Would their preferred candidate support Israel with almost a blind zeal bordering on fanaticism.

If one would make a list answering the question, ‘What is right about America?’ you would probably get a definition of the attitude of many of the Americans one meets in Israel. Giving even more validity to the assessment of the average American Jew who at some point after quite an impressive career decided to live in Israel and sufficient numbers of these people also gave half of their career time to working in Israel, there is an overwhelming number of the American Jews residing or regularly visiting Israel that have a less than admirable view of the current holder of the White House. As many of these people have what is called dual citizenship and are eligible to vote in the State they last resided in and do cast absentee ballots, their choices are easily researched and the story is quite telling; where in the United States President Obama won over seventy percent of the Jewish vote in both of his election victories, the Israeli Americans voted in the opposite direction with the 2008 votes exceeded three-quarters voting against President Obama and in 2012 an even higher percentage voted against his return to the White House. The consensus amongst the Americans here was obviously that President Obama was bad for Israel and the overt actions during the last Gaza war on Hamas and Islamic Jihad. They viewed President Obama directly for the closing off of Ben Gurion International Airport due to the terror threat which could have resulted in downed aircraft, something the United States had not done in Syria during the five year war continuing to rage nor have done in Lebanon, Libya or any of the nations struck by violence as a result of the Arab Spring turned into an Arab Winter despite some of the most vicious threats to flights in or out of their countries. In some of these cases the airlines themselves refused to provide service to these nations. Then there was the channeling the resupply of arms which the United States was obliged to automatically approve with the military itself charged with authorizing and supplying replacements keeping Israel provided with the means for her defense through the State Department with their withholding approval until Israel had presumably buckled to the demand to cease their hostilities in Gaza and returned control of Gaza to its ‘duly elected government’ which is the same as saying Hamas as it is their people who rule in Gaza. The White House was fully aware of this situation and the obligation of the United States which they modified so as to make their obligation into a wanted dead or dead poster on Israel, and that is not a Freudian slip, dead or dead was exactly what the White House was aiming to produce by withholding the resupply which was an agreement included in a defense treaty making it the law to make such resupply in a timely manner.

Stronger Together Enforcing Similar Ethos
Israel and America Stronger Together Enforcing Similar Ethos

This treaty was entered into for the Nixon Administration doing exactly the same withholding of the resupply to force Israel to comply with their demands that they simply cease fighting in defense against the invading forces of Syria and Egypt during the Yom Kippur War which caught Israel at her most vulnerable time with three-quarters of her military personnel in synagogues across Israel and not carrying any electronics and thus forcing the IDF to send personnel to as many Synagogues as possible and to send vehicles announcing the emergency call-up using loudspeakers and driving through one city after another. This withholding of resupply was advised by then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a Jew but apparently only by birth. The reasoning Secretary Kissinger gave for refusing to meet the Israeli request for resupply was that by refusing to send the arms Israel would be more vulnerable and thus far more easily forced to meet the demands which the State Department was pushing for President Nixon to demand of the Israelis. Fortunately the resupply was held a dangerous two to three days and Israel had begun to run low on some vital armaments which would have threatened their ability to defend their country had resupply not reached them in time. This was the reason a treaty was signed by the Nixon Administration after the Senate overwhelmingly approved the agreement. If one has seen a potential viewpoint against all things Israel coming from the State Department, please allow us to also point out that the State Department very strenuously objected to the decision by President Truman to recognize Israel as a new nation in May of 1948, May 15th to be exact. The State Department has been more stridently anti-Israel and anti-Zionist from their objection to the aims of forming the British Mandate in order to form a homeland for the Jews after World War I as part of the San Remo Conference which set up the French and British Mandates.

Fortunately most young Israelis know very little about the dastardly designs of the State Department which by their actions have proven to desire the death of the Jewish State by any and all means available. Fortunate for Israel that this is beyond the ability for the State Department to pull-off but they will apparently continue to try. The love affair which Israelis appear to have with the United States is actually more with America and the American People and independent of the government of the United States. What makes this all the more rewarding a relationship is the fact that large majorities of Americans love the Israelis as well, as has been proven in poll after poll. This is likely due to a love of freedom and a shared morality in many ways. The Israeli government often appears to take their cues from the Constitution of the United States or at least the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments required by a number of the signatory states as a condition for their signing onto the Constitution. That is most likely the glue holding these two peoples in mutual support and admiration and it would be wonderful if their relationship continues and those values prove to be the perfect glue which both societies use as their moral guide throughout their histories. It would be quite sad should they not remain as the constant rock mooring both ships of state.

Beyond the Cusp

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Beyond the Cusp

October 10, 2015

Intifada or No Intifada, Media Keeps Silent

The world mainstream media has been completely silent about the declared war against the Jews and other Israelis by Mahmoud Abbas and the terror masters and militants who take their cues from his broadcasts. Below is a clip with translation to English of the Arabic used by the PLO spokespeople, the terrorist wing of the Fatah political party which includes the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades but first a few quotes just to make your viewing displeasure more rewarding. The initial screen opens with a PLO spokesperson comment on the murdering of the Parents, Eitam and Naama Henkin, before four of their children who were in the back seat of the family car during the execution using assault weaponry stating, “Killing Israeli Parent of four children is “national duty.” That screen is followed by a woman representing Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO and Fatah Party which are both led by Mahmoud Abbas stating, “Are they from the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade or from Hamas?” Next speaker claims, “There is no need to return to the argument and dispute about who carried out the operation.” He continues, “There is no need to announce it and boast of having done it. One fulfills his national duty voluntarily as best as one can.” These were the boasting about at least two heavily armed Arabs backed by a large number of other Arabs who were hurling cinderblocks at the vehicles to force them to stop or crash or, if their wildest hopes could be met, killed occupants when the cinderblocks pierced through the windscreens or other window. It was the striking of the vehicle which probably caused the Henkin’s to need to stop even if only for a second, and a second was all it took for the embedded murderers to open fire and murder a mother and a father before four of their children aged nine, seven and four years plus the newborn of only four months of age. The father reportedly exited the vehicle and opened the back door and yelled for the children to run before collapsing on the pavement dead. To read more about this and other incidents proving that the Arab Palestinians are operating under orders to begin the third intifada see our article from October 3, 2015 titled Final Palestinian Israel War Declared at United Nations.

Earlier this week PLO Chairman and chief terror master made a broadcast on Arab Palestinian television which has reportedly been retransmitted regularly clearing or approaching twenty rebroadcasts instigating for Arabs to protect their al-Aqsa Mosque which they interpret to mean all of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and all other lands where Jews can be targeted including all of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Haifa or anywhere else and calling for all Arabs including those so inclined residing in Israel within the Green Line. Abbas begins his tirade demanding, we won’t allow Jews with their “filthy feet” to “defile our al-Aqsa Mosque” and “We bless every drop of blood spilled for Allah. We bless every drop of blood that has been spilled for Jerusalem, which is clean and pure blood.” Abbas continued further on stating, “Every Martyr will reach Paradise, and everyone wounded will be rewarded by Allah…” Abbas went on to claim during this tirade meant to inspire additional deadly violence against Israelis aimed primarily at the Jews demanding, “The al-Aqsa (meaning the entirety of the grounds and structures upon the Temple Mount) is ours, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is ours and they have no right (Jews in particular and Israelis in general) to defile them with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem,”

Add to all of this and far more coming from all directions instigating violence, rioting and general mayhem from all of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria and especially with radicalized Arabs residents within Green Line Israelis; the attacks have not been limited to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem or places where Arabs reside to rise up and destroy all of Israel so that Palestine can be built on the graves of over six-million Jews and four-million other Israelis. Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has called for the Arabs within Hamas also to assist in the dismemberment of the Jews which led to a mass rush at the fence separating southern Israel and Gaza which resulted in the death of three or four Arabs from the group charging the fence and ignoring warnings to stop and keep a safe distance from the border fence. The Gaza fence sits within the Israeli side of the border such that if the Gazans were to reach the fence they would have already crossed the border which in and of itself is a violation of all agreements between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Israel. These confrontations require coordination and instigators and community rioting and general mayhem coordinators to get fifty or so people to launch themselves all at the same time charging a border, in this case an actual declared violence and breaking the Hamas treaty which was brokered after the Gaza offensive from over a year ago. This coming offensive will not be limited to Gaza or Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Yerushalayim; it will be a general uprising which may see additional fronts being opened within the Green Line making for a glorious display of why there were Arab villages, not many but some, that were forced to leave their villages and remain before the armies which were fighting in order to secure the lands and prevent their falling into Arab hands the very first day after the war of annihilation of 1948-9 (what many refer to as the Israeli War of Independence).

Since Mahmoud Abbas gave his speech at the United Nations, he received great response from the nations whose representatives were present at the speech where the Oslo Accords were cast off into the waste bin of history as the they had served their purpose and the terror armies having established their beachheads in Gaza and north central Judea and Samaria while also receiving arms and training from the United States largely during President Bush’s terms in office under the watchful eyes of Lieutenant General Keith Dayton. This task of training the Palestinian Security Forces changed almost before General Dayton took command from simply making the fighting forces better trained to improving the security forces making them all sufficiently proficient so as to prevent any Hamas from taking over the rest of the Palestinian Authority as Hamas had just taken control of Gaza by way of a coup. This was established by arming the Fatah terrorists with heavy weapons and introducing squad tactics and fields of fire with interlocking fields of fire and other concepts of modern warfare.

Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance
Mahmoud Abbas grabbing for everything within his reach including all of Israel given half the chance

The Palestinian Authority was technically declared null and void as soon as Mahmoud Abbas declared that as far as the Arabs Palestinians are concerned, the Oslo Accords no longer apply to them as it is those same accords which lent any mantle of respectability to the PLO and was the reasoning used to remove them from the terror lists and placed in a seat with the rest of the civilized world. Truth be told, the PLO never considered themselves restricted or in any way restrained by the Oslo Accords and the world reinforced this concept by not expecting and definitely not demanding that the Palestinian Authority act any different than what was expected from the PLO, namely to act as terrorists bent on murdering as many Jews as humanly possible while allowing the world to defend them by claiming they used to act even more barbarous. Where that statement is valid, they were not acting any more civil by choice than because Israel had taken necessary steps to curtail the suicide bombings and had developed some very effective intelligence with a large dependence on human driven intelligence (HUMIT). The one step taken by Israel which was the most effective step towards limiting terrorist operations was what Israel rightfully refers to as the separation barrier but the world, particularly the Europeans and other Western leftists, refer to as the Apartheid Wall. After its construction, the numbers of suicide bombings dropped by over ninety percent. That is what is referred to as an effective barrier against the suicide bombings which had increased to almost one every week before the separation barrier was erected.

Just in case anybody has been keeping score, the total number of reactions or alterations of policies announced or implemented by the Western World since Abbas announced the departure from the Oslo Accords, compromising the myriad of groups he is chairman, president or leader of, we are not familiar with him applying the title of emperor to himself on any position but give him time, there has been no recognition or reaction of this announcement. The Western world and media appear to not have heard about this change which should have resulted in the returning of the PLO to terror lists, Abbas placed back in exile in Tunisia, and Israel freed to apply their influence over the rest of Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Eastern Jerusalem, but alas the world continues as if the announcement was but a cute joke and had no real meaning. Meanwhile, the PLO and Fatah Party members and leadership have announced the start of the third Intifada with Hamas and Islamic Jihad agreeing to join in on this installment of the war against Israel and the Jews. Abbas is referring to himself as the President of the State of Palestine and has been operating as such for over a year now even to the point of using “official” Palestine State stationary when declaring edicts from on high, which is a small hill with his office on the second floor in Nablus, about as high as he will ever be elevated except by the West who are counting on his efforts to do away with Israel for them.

Another resurrection has occurred this past week with the reemergence of the Middle East Quartet which was a group consisting of the European Union, United Nations, United States and Russia for the purpose of overseeing the Roadmap, an invention by the administration of George W. Bush for forcing Israel to submit to blackmail and extortions by the Palestinian Authority. Of course, since the Palestinian Authority has been defrocked of any legality with Abbas declaring the Oslo Accord dead and declaring the Third Intifada, the Quartet has also lost its meaning and no longer exists. The problem is once any monstrosity has been incarnated and imbued with powers to make demand upon Israel, that body will never completely die and can and will be resurrected without warning in order to give some gravitas to demands that Israel once again engage in the self-sacrifice and grant some grand motions facilitating some selfless actions to the benefit of the Arab causes against Israel’s existence in order to allow Mahmoud Abbas and his henchmen to sit with the Israelis just long enough to pocket the offering and insult Israel and all those employing numerous grand schemes whose purpose is to form two states, one Arab the other multicultural side by side living with a state of war from the Arabs and self-sacrificing by the other. This is a step that presumably would be employed for as long as the multicultural state exists making a Palestinian State after Palestinian State with each smaller than the precious and all dependent of Israel for their continued existence. Perhaps Abbas is correct and the time has come to end the Oslo Accords and the misnamed peace process and end this process of destroying Israel by a million concessions and just have it out, may the best side win. Allow that final battle to be held now and just end the farcical charades. Abbas declared Oslo Accords dead, live with it and allow sleeping dogs to lie. Enough kicking a dead horse, it will never bear a rider again and the process has been moribund and finally been laid to rest, live with it and allow Israel to finally live without the cloud of a world gone mad nipping at her edges trying to tear her asunder. In the last twenty-four hours there have been over one-hundred-fifty terror attacks against Israeli Jews, Christians, Muslims, Arabs, Europeans, North Africans, Middle Easterners, Asians and anybody else whose vehicle sports Israeli license plates. Simply put; no more!

Beyond the Cusp

October 9, 2015

Why Are the Muslim Refugees Heading to Europe and not Arabia?

There are those who will claim that none of the Arab nations were prepared to take any Syrian refugees in but for the one-hundred-thousand airconditioned tents that Saudi Arabia informed the media were prepared for taking in and caring for three-million refugees. The reality is that these tents which are located roughly 2,150 miles from Syria in the city of Mina are only used a few days a year to house pilgrims on their way to Mecca for the Hajj. Only the very best possible accommodations are provided for the pilgrims on the Hajj. These tents contain a bathroom and a kitchen and are presumably fireproof. Despite the show and tell for the media, these tents were never intended nor will they ever see a single Syrian or other refugee, these are for the privileged, not the needy. Still, one-hundred-thousand airconditioned tents are quite a sight as you can see below.

one hundred thousand airconditioned tents Saudi Arabia to accommodate pilgrims on Hajj each has kitchen bathroom fireproof and never intended for refugees
So, if a refugee will not be permitted to take up refuge in those one-hundred-thousand airconditioned tents that Saudi Arabia used to house pilgrims on the Hajj, what is a desperate refugee to do? Their options are not exactly brimming with hope of any kind for their future as the civil war in Syria has been going for five years claiming the lives of approximately one-third of a million, nearly four million predominantly Muslim Syrians refugees currently in camps and unknown countless people maimed and injured as no official numbers are available. The latest development has been the stampede of refugees breaking from the camps, which the hosting countries are only too anxious to permit, heading into Europe using any possible passage and forms of transportation they are able to find, and for the more fortunate, afford would be a better term, to get them onto the soil of any European Union nation which facilitates free access to everywhere within the European Union. Often the easiest means for reaching the European shores is by crossing the Mediterranean Sea or the Aegean Sea in crafts of varying viability with the refugees often attempting such crossings in inflatable rubber rafts with outboard motors as depicted below. Many refugees have been caught by cross currents or rough seas during storms, something soon to be an ever present danger as the winter storms are soon to be upon them. Even should the refugees survive their struggle set before them in order to reach European Shores, there is still the problem of reaching a desired destination.

Syrian and Other Refugees in Rubber Inflatable Boat with Outboard Motor Risking Aegean Sea Dangerous Currents Cross Currents Hazards Claimed Enough Lives as Pictures Strew Front Pages
Many of the refugees end up landing in Italy, Greece or Spain, none of which are desirable destinations as the economic opportunities and social safety cradles are not much superior than were their home nation from which they are fleeing seeking brighter futures. Not all of the refugees are from war torn Syria as many are from Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Nigeria, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Niger, South Sudan, Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Iran and other Islamic or Arab states where the economy has collapsed as governments have recently changed and thus there has been a power vacuum which has presented the former citizens of these now failed states with some extremely difficult decision to make as to where their families will see the best possibilities for the future. It is exactly these reasons what many have taken on the risks of reaching Europe and have paid a handsome price for escort by those who traffic in human misery taking full advantage of desperate peoples. The map below details the facts that there are nations preferred by the refugees such as Germany, Britain and the Scandinavian nations being the most prized followed by France, Switzerland, Poland and Czech Republic being amongst the secondary countries as depicted in the map below. The first consideration is the economic opportunity of their targeted nation, then there is the climate and for many there is also the comfort allowed for the unemployed who must live solely on the generosity of government programs.

Refugees Fleeing Middle East North Africa Heading to Europe Prefer Best Social Welfare Safety Net Highest Payments Standards of Living

The social safety net offered in Europe is the determining reason that the refugees from anywhere in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are heading to Europe and not the numerous Arab and Muslim nations, even to include the oil wealthy nations. The nations of MENA will not share their wealth nor offer any real safety net for any peoples beyond their immediate native born population, if even them. The Arab and Muslim nations provide limited assistance to their own population and are unlikely to assist any others. This has not always been the case as during the Golden Age of Islam there were funds to care for those incapable of caring for themselves. That age had long past and was a forgotten time with the final coup de grâce was delivered after World War I when the Sykes-Picot agreement divided up everything outside the Mandate Lands which were also reserved for particular communities.

The charge into Europe is based on a dual-track where one is a plan for the future in a long-range planning and the immediate need drives the other track. The immediate track is driven by the need to have a place, a homeland away from the ravages of war where their children can have a future assured of their education and promising opportunities. These refugees have had quite some time to realize that their Arab and Muslim brothers and sisters would allow them to perish rather than open their borders and allow the refugees to gather within and require aid and funds to feed and care for them. Instead the Arab and Islamic countries encouraged the refugees to invade Europe and to take large numbers in each of wave after wave all attempting to reach one of the prime nations as indicated in the map above. Germany became the cry by many a refugee after German Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed she was prepared to process and accept eight-hundred-thousand refugees which was taken as an open invitation and the refugees began pouring over the German border. Initially, only Hungary took a stand against the refugees refusing to permit them to cross into their nation and those who managed to cross the border were advised to leave and were afforded all the assistance necessary to send them on their way. Remarkably, after Hungary there were other nations who also adopted similar no entry policies with varying amounts of success. The sheer numbers attempting to rush into Europe will eventually overwhelm any security forces short of riot troops using water cannons and other riot dispersal methods to protect the border and even then there will be those which manage to cross into every nation. This is the short term plan, simply to transfer the responsibility for caring for the Syrian and other refugees onto the European Union and the United States establishing a foothold. We should expect that any declaration to permit the extradition of those accused of criminal acts will be met with denial of their responsibility and the leaving of the accused within the European nations where the charges were leveled. This influx of religious Muslims to a largely now secular Europe will force the Europeans to reach compromises to accommodate their religion as a permanent condition facilitating their faith and its practice.

With time there will develop areas which will be Muslim dominated and under Sharia which is the intermediate step expected in this long term invasion by phases, something very similar to what is threatening Israel with five-million refugees and their descendants from the Arab initiated war of annihilation of 1948-9. Any non-Muslim entering such areas had best know their religious practice in order to perform their duties without causing insult. The long-term goal is to bring sufficient numbers of Muslims into the entirety of Europe that they will simply rule it using the ballot box, democracy and a decent amount of intimidation thrown into the mix. This will result in an Islamic Europe under either the Islamic States or under Iranian rule as these two main powers will determine whether Europe, as well as Islam, will turn towards Shiite or Sunni Islam as the Official Religion. The aim is to overrun Europe with Muslims today and down the road have Islam become the dominant and soon only acceptable religion across Europe. This will be a conquest by immigration and population predominance. Many of the secular Europeans with their history based on things they will have taught children will very likely be easy pickings when they have such little knowledge of the Bible allowing for them to be easily saturated with the Quran. The schools will be utilized in forcing the learning of the Quran and Europe will slip into the darkness of Islam and Jihad while the rest of their world watches them dissolve away being replaced with Islam either ruled by the Islamic State or Iran with little hope of retaining even a core of secularists and obviously Christianity and Judaism along with all other religious beliefs will have fled, converted or been beheaded. Eventually the Quran will have come to have consumed the Bible and once doing so it will have assured to have dominated and subjected all secularists as well. There will be only the Quran, the Muezzin’s call to prayer five times each day from right before sunup to just after sundown (something which will prove very interesting in the most northern lands in the European Scandinavia where the sun does not set in the summer and never quite rises in the dead of winter). The one last thing which all can be assured of, and that is after the fall of Europe the United States then Canada will not be far behind.

There will be those who will question how it was that Islam swept across Europe and conquered the continents of Europe and North America almost without firing a single shot. That will be a misguided question as where bullets may not have been used as the favored form of execution but there will be harsh attacks on those who refuse to believe and show sufficient reverence and devotion in their prayers often resulting in public hanging or beheading. It is needless to point out that each of these heretics to Islam will have been made to make a very public apology and recounting of and confessing their sins and their evil core before being executed making a spectacle for the public including a reinforcement of Islam. Much will parallel the story line for the society as described in George Orwell’s 1984 except instead of Big Brother there will be Allah and the Imam’s watching you while each and every European left will bow before Allah and learn to recite by rote the Quran so they will be good Muslims. Their role model will be sold them as the principles by which Mohammad lived and there will still be the Two Minutes of Hate, as pictured below, which will probably have a person to scream at on the screen who will very likely have a name such as “Emmanuel Goldstein” as that will need no tweaking.

Two Minutes of Hate Screaming at Video of Emanuel Goldstein from the George Orwell Novel 1984

Some things can share a remarkable resemblance with only the smallest of changes from the realm of good fiction to future events in real life. That is what probably makes such classic stories classic, their ability to strike that chord in people where they can see these exact principles, as in the case of the novel 1984, almost the entirety being as near an exact copy coming into fruition as one may imagine. Instead of nationalist based fascist socialism taking over all of Europe as in 1984, it does appear that there will be a form of religious based fascist socialism sweeping Europe if the power behind the refugees achieves their goals. In many ways the governance under Islam is a form of universalist, fascism with some forms of redistribution of wealth and comes with an entire self-regenerating hierarchy by which its current leadership directly trains and promotes the next generations which will carry on exactly in the same identical ways of the previous generations with little if anything ever changing.

Beyond the Cusp

October 8, 2015

Accounting of Third Intifada Attacks for Yesterday

On Wednesday October 7, 2015 there was quite a bit of activity on the front lines of the third intifada, the intifada begun by Mahmoud Abbas declaring the Oslo Accords dead and the resumption of the Arab war to annihilate the Jews and turn Israel into a sea of blood. The attacks started ramping up in both numbers and potential for lethality with a number of Israelis being killed since last Wednesday approaching at least a half dozen if not more as the news has been flying by with attacks averaging one evert three to four hours during the day and into the evening. A quick rundown on the attacks which made the news sources we were tracking during the day, an incomplete list but as accurate as we are able.
An Arab man stabbed an IDF soldier and grabbed his gun in the southern city of Kiryat Gat, a few miles outside Ashkelon and within the Green Line and not even near the presumed disputed areas. He then fled to a fourth floor apartment, where he was shot and killed by police.
Arab Palestinian mob throwing cinder blocks and equally sized rocks caused Rivi Ohayon, who was driving to work in Jerusalem, to stop as they also blocked the road. She recounted the confrontations reporting that, “One of them opened the door. There was murder in their eyes. I thought they were going to lynch me.” Ohayon was hospitalized with light injuries. She was saved when a group of Israelis who witnessed the attack interdicted firing at the Arab mob which then dispersed after one was struck. The terrorist is in hospital in critical but stable condition.
Another terrorist attempted running down IDF soldiers at the A-Za’im checkpoint located outside of Maalei Adumim, located just outside Jerusalem. The attack was prevented by the soldiers.
One teenage Arab Palestinian woman stabbed an Israeli man near the Lions’ Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem this morning. The man was carrying his legal concealed weapon and turned and shot the assailant before she could plunge the knife into him a second time possibly killing him. Magen David Adom paramedic Aharon Adler told reporters, “Upon arriving, I saw two patients. One of them, an approximately 30-year-old male with stab wounds to his upper body, fully conscious; alongside him, a young woman with gunshot wounds. According to him, she came up and stabbed him twice from behind, and then she was shot. Her condition was worse than his.” Both victim and attacker were transferred to the hospital after receiving treatment at the scene.
Another stabbing took place in central Petah Tikva next to a busy shopping mall where a man, 25, was injured in the upper part of his torso and rushed to the hospital in moderate but stable condition. This too was well inside the Green Line which the media likes to claim there is no terror and the terror is only against the so-called “Israeli settlers” and not just all Israelis or all Jews.
Josh Hasten, who is a resident of Elazar in the Gush Etzion area of Judea, was assaulted almost immediately behind the attack on Rivi Ohayon as he slowed as did all the traffic when approaching the attack on Rivi Ohayon. Looking towards the Arab village of Beit Sahur he realized there were between thirty and fifty Arabs charging down the hill with yells and holding cinder blocks and rocks. But why not allow Josh Hasten tell his story in the video below.

The above report probably misses the usual dozens of rock throwing incidents where the motorist is fortunate to pass through whatever gauntlet of cinder block and rock hurling Arab youths between the ages of twelve to low thirties suffering only damage to their vehicle. These are daily events and with the more serious attacks now taking up the new spaces we are not going to hear about these assaults, life threatening as they may be, because the news reporters can only be so many places at any given time. If Josh Hasten was not a journalist his confrontation would likely have never received any publicity because the main assault was against the young woman may Hashem bring her a speedy and complete recovery along with all the other victims of today’s and every day’s violence. The attacks have definitely increased in numbers and severity as there had not been attempts to drag motorists from their vehicles for only one purpose, and that is to murder them tearing their bodies’ limb from limb. The attempts today and over the past week to increase the levels of the attacks with the intent to murder the victim if at all possible has placed the Israeli public on edge, especially as about one third to half of the assaults have taken place within pre-1967 Six Day War Israel meaning inside the 1949 Armistice Line also known as the Green Line. We here at BTC are not surprised that much as we have held the belief, nay, the knowledge that the intent of the Arab war on Israel is the complete and total elimination of the State of Israel and every Jew living within after which the other non-Muslims would be targeted.

Terrorist Mayhem Killing Jews Anti-Semitism
Terrorist Mayhem Killing Jews Anti-Semitism

Mahmoud Abbas and the rest of the hierarchy behind the Arab Palestinians, we can no longer refer to them as Palestinian Authority or even Fatah as both of these were names designed by the now refused Oslo Accords in order to white wash the terrorism and criminal infrastructure and kleptocracy run by Yasser Arafat in order to permit the return of Yasser Arafat and his other henchmen and KGB trained murderers, and most important, also his number two man and aid through thick and thin, Mahmoud Abbas such that there could be invented the “Peace Process” which never was entered into with any honesty by Arafat. From the very first Yasser Arafat had lain out the plans for the conquest of Israel by stages. Each stage would require the facilitation by the United Nations, its nearly uncountable NGOs and other agencies, eventually the European and lastly the United States all forcing Israel to comply with demands without giving up even a hint of their demands. This has been why there has been a demand by the world at every restart of the Peace Racket for Israel to make some grand compromise as an inducement for the privilege of having the Arab side walk out once they had drawn every last possible compromise from Israel and immediately announcing that any promise the parties may have though the Arabs had agreed to make were all an illusion and they would then state the next demand for Israel to meet as their obligation for peace. This worked because the Israelis suffer from two really serious shortcomings, the first is they are willing to do almost anything for peace and the second is they are willing to follow any demand from a world that wishes them dead if it is in the name of peace and so they do not ruffle a single feather on any of the vultures all waiting to pick the Israeli corpse once it is truly dead. That brings us to the next subject from the United States.

The United States House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved legislation last week to take forty-three-billion dollars of the frozen Iranian assets in order to pay American victims of Iranian-sponsored terrorism who were awarded that amount by United States Courts. This legislation has been called the Meehan bill for terror victims. The legislation is on its way to the United States Senate where it will likely die a slow and ignoble death tabled due to threat of a filibuster. Even should it actually receive a favorable vote without even changing a single punctuation mark and having no additional attachments and be passed along to President Obama, it will then be duly vetoed. But let us assume for one moment that this legislation makes it into law, what will follow is as easy to predict as it is that the sun will rise out of the east and set in the west. The State Department will object and give some flimsy reason that these funds must be paid as intended to the Iranian government as there is a treaty in place and the State Department will enforce the treaty to the last letter. If a further fight erupts and the whole matter end up before the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Rogers (I know, do not remind you) then it will be a close five to four vote if not a six to three vote that the monies must be remitted to the Iranians and then those who sued can collect directly from Iran, if they can get any assistance from either the Justice Department, who will claim it is the State Department’s jurisdiction, or from that State Department which will give the families a runaround and eventually find somebody whose job it is to say “No!” with great authority. Such attempts have been tried before and failed and this will as well.

Ostridge placing its head in the sand, oh, wait, it is a particular person of note taking stock of their positions
Ostridge placing its head in the sand, oh, wait, it is a particular person of note taking stock of their positions

Back to Israel and politics which are supreme. There was a meeting Tuesday between leaders of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon hosted by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at his official residence despite the possibly over ten-thousand demonstrators demanding that actions be taken to make all Israel safe for all peoples. We mention this as there were things stated which are not only important for Israelis and Zionists to hear but the rest of the world as well such that they will understand the motivations of these two men in the most powerful of position in Israel and what those motivations will produce. The truth here is very frightening. One participant who is considered reliable has told Arutz Sheva that Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon informed the leaders of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria according to the anonymous participant, “Ya’alon argued in the meeting that there is a connection between violent events by settlers and terror attacks. There are gangs on both sides.” One should not be surprised that this comment was met with some excessive expressions of frustration, anger and disbelief. Where does Defense Minister Ya’alon get his news? Is he quoting the impressions that the European Union’s High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini who, like Catherine Ashton before her, is a well-recognized extreme leftist and suspected communist, pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist crusader who never met a disparaging slam of Israel she couldn’t agree with. Where such a damning remark would play well in Brussels, Defense Minister Ya’alon is not a member of the European Union governance located in Brussels, he is the Defense Minister of the State of Israel and if he cannot see that his one and only job is to look out for the betterment of Israel, the protection of its lands and citizens, to predict, plan and execute those tactical requirements to keep Israel safe from all attacks whether internal or external and to serve the State and its citizens, then it is time to replace him with one who will. It is not his place to sympathize or, even worse, adopt the terminology and accusations of the enemies of the State of Israel which is exactly what he has expressed here. These comments make him unqualified to hold the position of Defense Minister and Ya’alon needs to be replaced immediately. The participant had some further comments before we conclude with Defense Minister Ya’alon as the participant stated, “The man has gone mad. At a certain point Ya’alon began to stutter and he understood that he had gone too far in his analysis.” Well, the catch is we can only expect to hear in glowing terms about how Ya’alon had protected Israel at a great sacrifice and with his every effort since taking the position of Defense Minister and all Israel should be glad to have such a warrior on their side. But then we need to consider the source of such praise, Prime Minister Netanyahu more likely than not.

Left side map depicts the division of the Promised Land amongst the tribes and right side map compares the modern promised land from the Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea compared to the maximum of area during King David’s and King Solomon’s reigns.

Fortunately, we also had a little birdie reporting on comments made by Prime Minister Netanyahu. It was reported that the Prime Minister Netanyahu told the local government leaders that he does not intend to build in Judea and Samaria. The reason was simply because to do so might upset Washington and Israel must not complicate things and test the relations with the United States with such actions. The Prime Minister reported that the United States objects strenuously to such building and Israel must not get into a confrontation. Since when did Prime Minister Netanyahu develop this phobia against stirring the pot with the United States, in particular with the White House and President Obama? It is not like the two have even the resemblance of a relationship. There was no hesitation when it came to giving an address to Congress despite the strong protestations from the White House. The relations were not even warm enough to permit the Israeli Prime Minister to enter the White House through the front door instead being relegated to using the kitchen entrance and being refused the courtesy of a meet the press photo op even without taking question or speaking. What relations is it exactly that all of a sudden prevent the otherwise brazen, brash and unabashed Israeli Prime Minister from taking matters into his own hand and allow for the tenders he keeps issuing and then preventing their being awarded and if awarded then holding back building permits and then allowing the leftist groups to trample all efforts in the courts without even the resemblance of a fight. Why not just tell us and the world the truth Prime Minister Netanyahu, tell us that after the Iran deal fiasco you have lost all heart and that the recent United Nations speech was your swan song, your last hurrah, your last big game hunt and now you are simply going to lie back and sway whatever way the winds blow knowing that they will always blow ill will upon Israelis. You know inside that if you were to confront and fight the White House that you would find friends coming out of the woodwork to fight alongside of you. There would be a greater distance between the United States and Israel if President Obama could find a way of pushing Israel under the bus and then roll that bus off a cliff if he could. And if it were not because the two nations have such similar goals, needs, security arrangements, defense agreements and are intertwined in so many ways including a large block of voters who will vote to protect Israel; that limits the actions by the President which would completely leave the Jewish State vulnerable to its neighbors’ aggressions. That group goes far beyond any groups there may be of Jews as we are referring to the Evangelical Christians who support Israel and her people with every sinew and prayer. I think it might even be an idea for testing the waters for this Twitter hashtag, #Jewish Lives Matter and Settlers too.

Beyond the Cusp

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Beyond the Cusp

October 7, 2015

Why the EU and UN Despise Israel?

Why do the European Union and the United Nations and so many others hate Israel? It is obvious, it did not fail. When the victorious powers of World War I decided to include forming a Jewish State in the ancient homelands of the Jews, they fully expected to be able to send all their Jews to this land where nobody had succeeded in forming a viable state. Not the Greeks, not the Romans, not the Byzantines, not any of the different Islamic rulers and thus it was expected the Jews would meet a similar fate. The expectation was the Jews would meet misery and hopelessness and surrender and need to beg the rest of the world to allow them to return to their subservience and being a kept people who lived at the mercy and generosity of others. After the Holocaust the Western World did feel the guilt for not at least taking even the most basic of attempts to stop the slaughter by bombing the rail lines leading to the concentration camps or taking the better option of allowing the Jews to emigrate from Germany and following it up with taking the Jews from the expanding Nazi controlled areas. The British may have had the greatest guilt, though their actions would never reveal such, as they refused to take the Jews and shut down entry for the Jews to the Mandate Region from which they had been tasked to allow the formation of a Jewish State by cutting the number of Jews to immigrate between 1933 to 1939 to a maximum of seventy-five-thousand each year and made even meeting that number as difficult as possible. The Nazis offered to force their Jews to be sent to the Mandate lands under British rule which the British refused claiming that the German Jews were the problem of the German government and the British had no concern on what the Germans did with them as long as it did not foist them on the British. The United States showed their colors by refusing to permit additional Germans even if they were Jewish as they had quotas, which were never filled but still the State Department, and Immigrations refused to accept the German Jews and when the MS St. Louis was refused to disembark the nine-hundred-thirty-seven Jewish refugees at Havana despite their having passports and complete paperwork as the Cuban government reneged on their offer and while the doomed ship slowly returned to Germany traveling slowly along the east coast of the United States continually petitioning for entrance pleading in radio messages, the United States government refused to permit them to enter the United States and provided the MS St. Louis with escort vessels to assure that nobody attempted to jump ship and swim to the shores of the United States. Eventually, the United Kingdom agreed to take 288 of the passengers who disembarked and traveled to the UK by other steamers. After much negotiation by Captain Schröder, the remaining 619 passengers were allowed to disembark at Antwerp; 224 were accepted by France, 214 by Belgium and 181 by the Netherlands. Unfortunately for the ones accepted into European nations ended up the fate of those nations falling before the Nazi war machine.

Mandate of San Remo for French and British including actual treaty demarcations for each nation
Mandate of San Remo for French and British including actual treaty demarcations for each nation

The reasoning that the Jews would fail in making their nation work was based on two opposing principles, the first was the seemingly unyielding lands which had foiled every attempt to tame the land and make the land produce by every previous successful and highly advanced for their ages that had made all the lands under their rule into productive lands but the area set aside for the Jewish State had foiled every attempt to tame it, let alone make it support a peoples. Secondly, the Jews were inferior people scorned by every civil society and considered inferior and incapable of acting at even a normal level as compared with normal people so how would these pathetic Jews ever succeed where all others had failed before them. So, by allowing the incompetent to be gathered to work lands that were impossible was the formula for only one comprehended result, complete and utter failure where the land itself would be the death of the vast majority of the Jews allowed to emigrate there and make the remainder so appreciative of whomever took them back in and cared for their needs would receive such praise and appreciation that the Jews would finally be humbled and accept their fate as the condemnable and damned people everyone knew they were. So, it was an adventure which could only work to make the rest of the world able to validate their superiority over the Jew after they failed to make the land produce sufficiently to support the Jews and were forced into begging for somebody, namely their European superiors, to save them before they all perished. Somewhere something did not quite go as expected. But before that there was more which was committed which should have made the failure all the more probable as within the first decade the Arab world cast out almost another million Jews leaving most of them without any of their wealth and even only the remnants they could shove into suitcases and trunk lockers leaving such things as family heirlooms, their businesses, their bank accounts, and whatever else that could be stolen as at least they were allowing them to leave with their lives. This addition of almost one-million all but destitute Jews were to be an additional and unsustainable addition to what was already presumably doomed to failure. As said earlier, something went awry and things did not turn out as expected.

That is where the world was delivered a surprise beyond imagination, the Jews succeeded. The Jews not only succeeded but thrived and actually performed what was considered not only impossible but could only be classified as miraculous as the nascent Jewish State survived, though they did technically lose some of their lands (though they gained areas to be under their complete control in rural areas in the Galilee but lost half of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount and the Old City to Jordan. Gaza to Egypt and the Golan Heights to Syria) but managed to survive an invasion by seven Arab nations and a number of militias including one of Arabs under the banner of the Mufti of Jerusalem, the same Mufti who spent most of World War II in Berlin as a guest of the leaders of the Third Reich producing propaganda broadcasts to be transmitted into the Arab world to turn them against the allied powers. The Jews not only met every challenge and survived but thrived and brought the dessert and swamps into a land blossoming with produce, made strides in irrigation such as drip irrigation which uses water even more sparingly than normal irrigation, invented new fruits and vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, and then started winning Nobel Prizes as if growing them in their greenhouses, and finally became a tech leader in the world in nearly every science all while fighting a number of wars brought upon them by aggressions by their neighbors as well as from terrorist groups targeting them both from within and without. The challenge of draining swamps, an immediate assault by seven neighbors, and becoming a leading nation in the sciences, economics and virtually every imaginable endeavor their people decided to pursue. Basically, as far as Europe and the world bodies were concerned the impossible is what the Jews managed when returned to their ancient homelands.

This success of Israel, the Jewish State, and her people, blossoming in so many fields was simply something beyond possible and completely unimagined. Somehow the impossible people were thrown into a complete wastelands which many thought to be an impossible land and then the impossible happened; the lands bloomed and brought forth riches and produce beyond what anybody might have imagined and grasses that supported flocks of sheep and herds of cows, impossible but that is what came to pass. The Bible could have advised the Europeans that this would be the case as it was stated that Israel was the lands which belongs to Hashem and that He trusted the Jewish People to bring forth its wonders and for whom the land would release its fruits and blossom. The land was promised not to produce for any other peoples other than the Jews. The Europeans had to know of these predictions from in the Old Testament but their faith in the Old Testament was no longer as they had replaced it with a New Testament and a new covenant which replaced the old covenant. Well, apparently the old covenant has some life left in her and the Jews are still getting the benefit of their Promised Lands giving up her yields and abundance which this land denied all others. The land and the Jewish People radiate great benefits and wealth and even now has provided great fields of natural gas just off her shores and even potentially within her lands as well as oil, Baruch Hashem. Many might call this a miracle; I like to think of it as a promise kept by Hashem whose promises should never be doubted. There is a reason for much of two-thousand years the Jews always finished their Seder meal and prayers those special nights with the phrase, “Next year in Jerusalem” (לשנה הבאה בירושלים).

Haggadah Final Prayer and finish of Seder with Next year in Jerusalem לשנה הבאה בירושלים
Haggadah Final Prayer and finish of Seder with Next year in Jerusalem לשנה הבאה בירושלים

The surprise may have initially been seen with a bemused amazement mixed with perhaps a small bit of admiration. But as many nerds have felt when they also show prowess at some physical or sports effort besting one of the letterman in multiple sports at some time, there is a degree of indignation and angst fueled animosity when those considered inferior prove proficient outside their textbooks, the little State of Israel has also received some less than warm regards as their successes continue and things just continue to get brighter and brighter. There are other considerations but why complicate the matter. The truth is the reasons behind much of the animosity shown towards Israel by the European Union and United Nations may never be fully understood. Granted the United Nations with its predominant Arab and Unaligned Nations voting as a single block in the General Assembly and having large representations in virtually every United Nations agencies and NGOs and the oil monies invested in souring any relations others may choose to show to Israel, the United Nations is already dangerous when it comes to all things Israel. Perhaps the United Nations single minded hatred for Israel influenced the European Union with many deciding it was easier to go along to get along and sacrificing Israel in order to improve relations with such a large majority of the rest of the world is a sacrifice seemingly worth making, especially since Israel shares her advances freely without attempting to deny even her worst enemies the use of her discoveries. Israel has even offered to instruct and work with a number of Arab nations installing and teaching them how to build, install, maintain and otherwise utilize their drip irrigation and other discoveries in agriculture which make irrigating the dessert and growing crops feasible. Unfortunately most have refused such assistance as apparently it is better to not have the capacity to conserve water while also raising crops using irrigation more efficiently is not sufficiently tempting to ease a relationship with Israel. The problem with many Islamic nations is that Israel was presumably lands which as once being ruled by Islam must, according to their interpretations of the Quran, always remain ruled by Islam. Perhaps it is a good thing that the British and Spanish never adopted this rule or they would feel they should own most of the planet between them.

Whether the driving animosity is a reflection of jealousy or going along with the majority to get along with the majority, ethics be damned, it matters little. The reality comes down to garner the hate of the Islamic world and the oil flow may stop; earn the disapproval of Israel is a no thrills, no chills, no downside as Israel does not hold back or victimize others just because they may not act in a friendly or respectful manner and spend too much time being critical as there can be cooperation in many areas even if the political arena is presenting difficult challenges. There are those who are critical of Israeli generosity and refusal to hold those who actively attempt to undermine and subvert their standing as a nation and consistently apply a double standard holding Israel to what might be termed a ridiculously higher standard than they hold other nations or even themselves.

Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah
Five beautiful, glorious and holy Torah Scrolls which carry near infinite wisdom and are the foundation of all Judaism and their culture and the Jewish civilization is built around the Torah and the teaching of Torah

There is a reason for holding Israel to a higher standard than other normal nations are held and it is because of the successes Israel has enjoyed, earned as they may be, and that Israel expects excellence from their people, their military and in all things the nation as a whole in order to earn their name as the chosen people for whom the swamps and rock strewn hills and desert all bloomed and produced great production beyond anything other nations had achieved. When the Jewish People proved theirs was a special relationship with these lands which had lain fallow and unproductive for nearly two-thousand years and also rose to the top in virtually every field of the sciences and humanities as well as becoming the “Start Up Nation” and a technological giant and in all these fields, to borrow a phrase often used by President Obama, punching well above their weight, with great achievement comes great expectations and the world of nations should expect more of Israel and the Israelis because they have proven that there is a society which can meet or exceed such expectations. Is it completely fair? No, of course not but who promised things would be fair. Were the years of persecutions stretching back over three-thousand years fair, of course not. So, now that the Jews have been returned to our natural lands should we expect things to be fair. We should expect things to be even more unbalanced and the world to expect things of magnificence from the state of Israel, from the nation who claims to want to be a light unto the nations. You expect to be an example for the rest of the world whether they desire it from you or not then you need to have them expect perfection or near as human beings can reach to perfection and to always demand you do better than all others and just be that light unto the nations because you meet or surpass every expectations. Our Torah tells us that we should strive to be the best that each of us can be and that we are to hold ourselves to the highest of standards so we should take any expectation raised by others as their challenge to us to accomplish such deeds. The only place where we need not listen to those detractors who would not be pleased no matter what is when they demand our surrender from the lands that were promised us by the world at the end of World War I. The world claims we must give up lands so the Arab Palestinians can have their own nation and to that we must ask then what is Jordan if not that nation. The lands east of the river were to be for the Arab Palestinians and the lands west of the river were promised for time immemorial for the Jewish State and this was the promise from the British and agreed to by the rest of the world otherwise all of what was the British Mandate should be the Jewish State. Who knows, after Islamic State decides to set their sights on Israel as their next target they will need to swallow Jordan and whatever of the Arab Palestinian PLO remains on their way to Jerusalem and Haifa and once Israel dances with the Islamic State the Russians and United States will both have one less worry on their plates.

Beyond the Cusp

October 6, 2015

How to Measure the Arab War on Israel and Beyond

The easiest summation of intent is vocalized every Friday in the waning hours of the afternoon in Tehran and Qom, Esfahan and Bam, Shiraz and Tabriz, Mashhad and Yazd, Zahedan and Ali-Sadr when after their deep devotion sworn to Allah said in their Mosques they gather together after their prayers and as a community chant “Death to Israel” over and over and over and along with their Death to Israel, no demonstration would be complete without the accompanying “Death to America” chanted right alongside; but that is just something they chant and has no actual intent in their words, none at all as the media has quoted their leaders promising the leaders of the United States they mean them no actual harm, it is just an exercise. Unfortunately there have been no such reassurances given to Prime Minister Netanyahu or any MK in the Knesset, not even MK Tibi or MK Zoabi who one would think they might be somewhat more attuned to as they are both Arabs and anti-Zionists, but no assurances at this end. But Iran is not a problem because President Obama has addressed the possible nuclear weapons program with an inspired deal which will bring results far beyond anything his skeptics claim are the shortcomings. That will be then and I am more concerned with the now, so let the Iran deal sort itself out and allow the United States and the American electorate elect people in the upcoming 2016 election who might actually know about foreign policy and have a cogent and coherent plan and a Congress which will back that vision; until then let us address that now which I am more concerned about.

For those who are my regular readers please bear with me a moment as I review some of the things we’ve discussed this past few weeks and months. There has been a slow and steady ramping of the levels and severity of terror attacks by Arabs that the media refers to as Palestinians in the Judea, Samaria, Benyamin, East Jerusalem, Old City and let us not forget the only violence the media has cared or even bothered to report on, the Temple Mount, though their coverage has been slanted in one of the most ingenious and perverse manner possible making the victims the cause and the violent agitators the unfortunate victims with no choice beyond the route they have taken, something we will try and clarify to some extent but there are more dangerous and vitally important messages which need to be communicated as the mainstream media refuses to report the entire news. The latest development this past week was the declaration made at the United Nations by Mahmoud Abbas the day before the “Palestinian Flag” was added to the national flags raised in the front of the United Nations, the world’s highest legal body, declared that the Palestinian Authority was no longer obliged to follow or be restricted or concerned with the Oslo Accords. He then challenged the world to gift him the independent state he was all but declaring with the boundaries he will never spell out so publically but would lead to a defenseless Israel or a completely replaced Israel with the world signing off. The truth of his denial of being covered or under the obligations of the Oslo Accords may have a number of ramifications that I am hopeful there are those in the world willing to enforce the real situation of Abbas walking away from any obligations and giving up any coverage by abrogating Oslo Accords. As far as the United Nations taking any action, forget about it. The Security Council has more than sufficient veto wielding members which will desire to protect their long history of investing in Yasser Arafat and after him Mahmoud Abbas to permit anything to interfere with their influence and “friend” in the Middle East just to protect Israel, the one and only Jewish State. And as far as the General Assembly is concerned, which has in the past five years censured or condemned Israel with its own votes or the votes of its many tendrils, with the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is beyond all others in these efforts; they have not even considered anything against Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China and Russia combined. Well, so much for the objectivity of the United Nations and its tendrils.

This makes the declaration of the Palestinian Authority into existence no longer valid and the entity of the Fatah Party as nothing more than a fascinating concept used by the Oslo Accords to give the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) a political cloak of respectability and incorporated this entity as the ruling political entity in the forming of the Palestinian Authority. Finally, without the Oslo Accords there is no Palestinian Authority, no Fatah, and the PLO is now also no longer a protected and scrubbed entity and has returned to being nothing beyond what it always was, a terrorist organization, nothing less. Since this declaration of the intent to return to their terrorist past and no longer hiding behind the Oslo Accord cloak of approval there was the murder in cold blood with automatic weapons and handguns peppering the bodies of Eitam Naama Henkin with their four youngest children in the backseat witnessing the entire blood sacrifice by two Arab Palestinians who then fled into a neighboring Arab community with authorities tracking down those responsible. A witness spoke of the father riddled with bullets managing to get out of the car and open the rear door and telling his children to run before collapsing. The children aged four, seven and nine years were taken into another Israelis car and informed them of their youngest four months was still in the vehicle and they retrieved the final child.

Over this weekend there were a number of rock throwing, Molotov cocktails, fireworks fired, shootings, stabbings and other assaults too numerous to count with at least four deaths in the past week and this is just the opening few days of the final intifada which was actually declared and instigated some time back, when exactly cannot be set as it is a ramping of violence until Israel will respond and then there will be the cries of disproportional force by Israel. Well, what exactly was the situation with two young parents with a car full of young children when facing murderers with assault rifles and handguns, the stabbing victims who were unarmed and all the other victims for the past years when facing terrorists unarmed, or facing unruly mobs screaming and even striking, kicking, cursing, spiting and other insults and if they react at all the security on the Temple Mount arrests the Jews as the Jordanian Waqf has jurisdiction over the Temple Mount and they have declared that no Arab can ever commit a crime on the Temple Mount and every Jews setting foot on the Temple Mount is to be considered a criminal just because of their presence. The days after the Eitam Naama Henkin were murdered there was great commotions with dancing, candies handed out, singing and shooting rounds into the air in numerous Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and the Palestinian areas celebrating their brave warriors and their glorious victory in their hard won fight against two unarmed Israelis as even unarmed an Israeli must be that much of a threat that they need to be shot multiple times simply driving home after visiting friends.

It is obvious even to the most casual of observers that Mahmoud Abbas used his address at the General Assembly to openly declare open warfare against Israel. The ensuing week has produced sufficient carnage and escalated violence to prove that a declaration of war was exactly what Abbas intended and is the reality Israel is facing, open warfare. Mahmoud Abbas might believe that now is the best time to attempt to ramp up confrontations with Israel as Europe will probably not be all that attentive as they are facing their own Arab refugee problem with thousands upon thousands of refugees flocking across the face of Europe and attempting to find their golden spot to settle in and enjoy all the benefits that European Socialism has to offer. The one thing which will be in the Arabs favor is that, by all appearances, Prime Minister Netanyahu appears to be overly sensitive when it comes to potentially ending up on the wrong side of President Obama and Israel defending themselves from Arab violence seems to aggravate President Obama. Perhaps Prime Minister Netanyahu should write a song of woe using the words “Rifle shots to the east of us, Rockets to the West and we’re stuck in the middle without you.” I doubt even with a song and a dance Prime Minister Netanyahu could get President Obama to sign on to any act that Israel might choose to utilize to address the heightened violence from the PLO in the east and the increasing rockets being launched from Gaza in the West.

On the other hand, this might be the perfect time for Abbas to declare war on Israel before problems get too heated in Europe as the invasion begins to explode in their faces and they start experiencing the problems which are sure to arise when the refugees realize that Europe will not be providing the panacea of privileges and support long term for them and start expecting the refugees to normalize themselves into the society. This will run afoul once the instigators who have been injected into the ranks intermingled with the refugees and what their numbers are is a complete mystery. Islamic State has announced that they intended to inject some of their own ranks to infiltrate Europe and who knows how many IRGC, Hezballah or other terror entities as this is probably the greatest opportunity as much of Europe has opened their borders or have been less than effective in keeping the refugees out of their borders, well, with a few choice exceptions who are being scolded by those nations with the open borders. It is almost like they are demanding to share the threats and misery which will result from this influx of refugees, especially when it becomes proven beyond any doubt that many of the refugees are not from Syria.

The last theory is that the Arab Palestinians are actually timing their ramping from all across Judea, Samaria, Benyamin and Jerusalem from the east with the PLO terrorists while Hamas and Islamic Jihad are escalating their rocket attacks from the west potentially in concert with directives from Iran so as to present Israel with sufficient problems while the infiltrators injected in with the refugees in order to conduct terrorist activities or even to lay wait for further instructions possibly to instigate down the road should the refugees not adjust or European hospitality not quite live up to expectations, something already occurring at some borders such as Hungary and a few other mostly eastern European nations which were originally behind the Iron Curtain. Should terrorism continue to rise in Israel including the threats be carried out for more intentional firings across the Golan Heights into the norther Galilee once again turning the heights into a shooting gallery and potentially requiring the deployment of Iron Dome units in the north. This is being threatened by the IRGC and Hezballah as a means of internationalizing the Syrian debacle and also as an attempt to force other Arab or Muslim nations to support Bashir al-Assad as he will claim that of all the forces fighting in Syria only he and his allies are attempting to fight the real enemy, Israel. With the recent news that numbers of the older T-55 and T-72 tanks, at the least seventy-five, to Hezballah presumably to fight against the Islamic State but the real target we all know is for use against Israeli armor and infantry. Add to that the latest threats from Islamic Jihad to resume suicide murders using human bombs.

Russian Tank Being Gifted to Hezballah by Syria to be Received Seventy-Five T-55 and T-72 Tanks in the Next Few Weeks by Syria

Whatever happens across the world, which by all appearances has entered some alternate reality where common sense and any proportionality of problems has been skewed, it is targeting Israel, which is no surprise, but also targeting Europe and potentially the United States. As there is an abundance of refugees which will surpass the potential for Europe to have sufficient treasuries, infrastructure, housing, employment or other means of preventing the entirety of the refugees to simply settle down and live off the social safety net, a system which has served as the last ditch funding for those Europeans who have hit the hardest of times, and was not designed to accommodate tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions (that’s thousands of thousands) influx of destitute refugees. The stretching of European goodwill beyond the breaking point is likely to place Europe into an economic death spiral and sending the excess thousands or even millions to the United States will only exacerbate the problem by targeting another nation with the same social overload crisis. That leaves the question as to what will the Europeans do should the refugees become ungrateful and demand more or threaten violence which can only be pushed back for a brief period because acquiescing will only be seen as a weakness which will entice the rabble-rousers to demand more and more until they cross a line which should have never been approached and the Europeans decide it is time for the refugees to head eastward and find some accommodating Islamic nation to house them or face the wrath of a Europe stung once again leading to a greater conflagration. Once Europe explodes nobody will care what Israel must do and that is why Abbas may have had bad timing but had no choice as well. The immediate future will be reported as the caring and great Christian heart, or socialist dream being realized by all, and in a period of time the reporting will become more edgy eventually leading to reporting violence and a growing inflammation spreading across Europe aimed at the refugees demanding they return to their native lands or else, and never question a European about or else as they invented the Inquisition and specialize in World Wars. Irritating Europe has always ended poorly for all involved and with the current state of weaponry the world may not survive another world at war, honest.

Beyond the Cusp

October 5, 2015

Epiphany on Coming Crisis

The Death of a Culture

I was discussing yesterday’s article with our grammar and check the spell-check editor when we each added one comment after the other and realized something which did not rest well but just might be the near future. With the introduction of Russian troops loosed in Syria and their targeting those opposing Syrian dictator (but not so strong-man) Bashir al-Assad though not restricting these attacks to the Islamic State, actually aiming for every Assad foe other than the Islamic State starting with those backed by President Obama, the coming result will be another two or three million refugees as many anti-Assad forces lay down their arms and flee. These additional refugees will be exclusively young males who had taken up arms and are combat hardened and not exactly the kind of refugee who will resettle calmly into a suburban home and tend his vegetable garden. These are members of al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist entities who will be seeking some place to set up their version of Sharia and start imposing Islam and turning areas into little terror states wherever they end up settling. These will be the kind of Islamic refugees who are more like the blind sheik or Imam Abu Hamza currently on trial in Britain for instigating terrorist activities. The question which is sure to arise is who will take in these refugees as well as the thus far obvious overly represented young, unattached, childless, apparently single male refugees who have been overrunning Europe and are entering Germany, France and Britain as quickly as they are able to purchase train rickets which has worked well to breach the British borders using mass transit through the Chunnel.

The solution, which will be proposed behind closed doors, executed as an executive privilege rather than executive order, to be yet another executive agreement similar to the Iranian Nuclear Deal, which will exempt this action from Congressional oversight, and will permit the funding to come from any executive level budget, which in this case will be shared by Immigrations and the Military, will bring the lion’s share of these new class of warrior refugees into the United States. This will be coordinated as a military mission with United States Army, Air Force and Navy logistical commands coordinating the transport of these refugee warriors from Syria and possibly Afghanistan as well, while President Obama is in the import Islamic Warrior mode, bringing very likely anywhere from two to fifty million refugees when including the extended families of these former allied warriors to be followed by an equal share of refugees from the general refugee population swarming Europe such that approximately half to two-thirds of the tens of millions of refugees will be resettled around the United States. The majority of these refugees will more than likely be placed in the reddest of states as possible and given full citizenship and afforded every possible assistance the Federal Government has to offer. What could possibly go wrong with such a perfect plan? Does it include all the refugees from the Syria and Islamic State war zones? What about the Yazidis who left the Sinjar Mountain and made the journey to Iraq Kurdish areas. Where Are these refugees now? Does anybody really care? Why are these refugees ignored? Wrong War? Wrong Religion? Wrong Race? Wrong Location? Or Just Wrong Peoples?

Yazidis who left the Sinjar Made the Journey to Iraq Where Are These Refugees Now Does Anybody Really Care

The influx of Islamic refugees will be handled with all the care and attention to potential threats these refugees may pose as has been the refugee admittance program which has been run on the Mexican border for the past hundred years where if they are caught they are held until the next morning, processed, given a court date and then released after promising to appear on that day in court. Unbelievably a full almost ten percent actually make their court date and the others have simply disappeared and are nowhere to be found. What could possibly go wrong? These orders will be kept close to their chests and from the prying eyes of Congress, the media and the people of the United States until it has become a fait accompli and it is too late to undo that which will have been done. There will be a resulting series of denunciations, threats to take action and all kinds of noise just as long as nothing is done to prevent the completion of importing potentially an additional quarter of the United States population changing the face of the United States permanently with an Islamic takeover all but guaranteed. There is the sole advantage that the jihadists once they have sufficient numbers and have exercised control over much of the United States, they will close the southern border to assure they are not challenged in their control. The expected clash of civilizations which had been predicted in the 1990s will never even throw up even the flimsiest of resistance as the Islamic takeover is planned and about to be executed by simple mass exodus of refugees and then using democracy to destroy every democracy and replace them with a façade of a vote where the results can be published a week ahead of the elections. About the only thing one can advise is that those who believe the Judeo-Christian world deserves preservation, it is time that you follow the words of the poet Dylan Thomas, “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.*” For those who decide that their plight in life is best served by simply complying blindly we can only advise what Samuel Adams told his fellow colonists who chose not to oppose British tyranny,

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

And the remainder of you face the worst threat to your freedom a free people have ever seen, I am afraid that all too many of your countrymen and women are simply going to shrug and ignore the coming travesty until it is too late and with you will be facing what Winston Churchill lamented was the worst of all possible situations when he warned his countrymen and women in the late 1930s and they had chosen to ignore his warnings of the coming apocalypse, an apocalypse dwarfed by what the Western World is about to face and likely die as slaves before it is over. Quoting the Honourable Sir Winston Churchill:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

There is a path which if pursued with vigor, purpose and full intent to enforce all conditions and limitations being placed that this refugee problem could avert becoming a disaster for all of Christianity and Judaism and other non-Muslim faiths in the not too distant future but it will take will power and spines of iron from the leaders of the Western world. With the Islamic nations closing their borders to these refugees and forcing them into camps where they have no real hope of a future or even of a guarantee of receiving food or medical treatments if and when necessary, pure frustration and desperations are driving this swarming mass of humanity into Europe seeking an improved set of conditions and possible return to a more normal life which promises to be better than the squalid refugee camps. The west must keep these refugees separate from their indigenous population but without restricting their movement or seeking to pursue a life which has hope and a better world for them in the future, especially for the children of the refugees. The problem comes when it is considered to grant the refugees citizenship or even a viable path to citizenship which requires only the filling in of forms and some menial efforts and the swearing of a loyalty oath or other ceremony. The refugees should be granted a nonvoting status such as resident foreigner leaving their citizenship tied to their nations of origin be it Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or the Crimea or Georgia or Chechnya. This way once the strife in their home country has subsided and the rule of law been put back in place these refugees can then be persuaded to return to their nation of origin. This can only be successful if the Western nations are stringent in enforcing this and enforcing it even should they intermarry Western citizens, they still should be blocked with few exceptions made on an individual basis from becoming full citizens and possibly even the same for their children, again in an individual basis. Anything else and the Western world are playing with fire and they may as well close up shop and hand the keys to the kingdoms to the refugees and their children and their children’s children as they will become the majority within two generations as long as the demographics remain constant. To allow a virtually free transit into citizenship for the refugees would simply exchange problems with the indigenous population now being made into refugees.

This can be managed in such a manner that it works for all, but only if Islam itself is willing to perform some introspection of its own. Should Islam wish to be freely exercised throughout the world it needs to allow for others to worship as they please or expect any non-Islamic nation to refuse all future immigrants of Muslim extraction. The idea of supremacy of Islam and the conquest and domination over all in the world needs to be qualified and understood that there will always be differences of religious convictions no matter how much you attempt to purify the world of all heretics. Within Islam itself there are differing views which have had the Sunni and Shiites at each other’s throats for centuries with no end in sight. One might ask how pure does Islam need to be, all Sunni or all Shiite will leave a great number of dead Muslims and even then, which Sunni or Shiites? Are those Muslims whose forefathers were blocked from making the Haj to Mecca and instead made their Haj to Damascus not as worthy to be Muslims as their other brethren from the Arabian Peninsula? What about Wahabbists Islam? The divisions could result in the end of having every Imam declaring followers of other Imams as impure and the cleansing could eventually result in the last two Muslims screaming “Heretic!” at the other as they clash swords in hand making it as insane as the Highlander immortals where in the end there could be only one.

Worker shows a victory sign at Zaatri Refugee camp for Syrian refugees

If Islam wants to be accepted worldwide they also need be accepting of the rest of the world otherwise the rest of the world would be wise not to allow Muslims universally to access entrance to their countries if in the end the Muslims are going to insist in imposing their beliefs on the rest of the population. The Western world might choose the Saudi Arabia method for allowing people into their lands; namely, you follow Judeo-Christian society as the basis of the laws and that religion remains the universal acceptance even of those who choose to have no religion or else no admittance which would mean that no further immigration of anyone with a Quran and treating Mosques as Churches are treated in the most ardent Islamic nations where churches cannot be built, repaired or allowed to stand taller than the Mosques and there can be no proselytizing outside of Judeo-Christian religions. The rules must be equal in both the Islamic world accepting as equals those worshipping differently or not observing at all and allow equal rights to build houses of worship and all other pursuits equal to Muslims or expect the Western world to restrict Islam as Islam restricts non-Islamic faiths. As the old adage says, what is fair is fair and good for the goose, good for the gander.

Beyond the Cusp

* Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieve it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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